Monitor:Respond Weekly Update - W19 - May-08-2023
< previous update | next update > |
Current team focus
Our highest priority is to complete feature removals scheduled for %16.0.
In parallel, we are ramping up to Service Desk development by working on small bugs and feature requests.
Milestone plan: Monitor:Respond 16.0 Planning issue (#207 - closed)
- Our team OKRs for FY24-Q2 have been defined: #236 (closed)
- Kevin recorded a design walkthrough for Service Desk "Tickets", a new Work Item type. Feedback is happening here: gitlab-org/gitlab#411063 (closed)
- HIGHLIGHT: The removal of Self-Monitoring is complete! gitlab-org&10030 (comment 1387863329)
- Metrics and Embed Grafana Panels were successfully removed on We still need to enable the removal feature flag by default on time for the 16.0 cutoff date (cf release timeline).
Going into the week
Capacity: 100% (100% of frontend, 100% of backend)
For the week of Monday, 2023-05-08.
Data from: Monitor:Respond Group Calendar, via Google App Scripts
0 Rollover issues from
Data from: GitLab REST API. Contains open issues which are in a prior milestone & assigned to a grouprespond engineer.
16.0 focus area distribution
85% typemaintenance | 10% typebug | 5% typefeature |
76% maintenanceremoval 24% maintenancerefactor |
50% w/o sub-type 50% bugfunctional |
100% featureaddition |
40% Monitor: Metrics Deprecation and Removal (gitlab-org&10107) | 30% Monitor:Self-Monitoring Deprecation and Removal (gitlab-org&10030 - closed) | 15% Engineering Transition issue for Service Desk t... (gitlab-org&10127 - closed) | 15% w/o epic |
50% backend frontend 38% backend 13% w/o eng label |
83% backend frontend 17% w/o eng label |
67% w/o eng label 33% backend frontend |
33% frontend 33% backend 33% backend frontend |
End of week progress snapshot
~69% complete of 16.0 scheduled work
- 100% - of scheduled issues from epic: Monitor:Self-Monitoring Deprecation and Removal (gitlab-org&10030 - closed)
- 82% - of scheduled issues without an epic
- 59% - of scheduled issues from epic: Monitor: Metrics Deprecation and Removal (gitlab-org&10107)
- 96% - of scheduled issues from epic: Engineering Transition issue for Service Desk t... (gitlab-org&10127 - closed)
- 100% - of scheduled issues from epic: Improve Respond group documentation (gitlab-org&7895)
- 25% - of scheduled issues from epic: Improve quality of Vue-related frontend testing... (gitlab-org&5102)
- 29% - of scheduled issues from epic: 16.0 Monitor Stage Removal (gitlab-org&7783)
- 0% - of scheduled issues from epic: Escalation Policies MVC bug bash (gitlab-org&6254)
- 50% - of scheduled issues from epic: Incident Tag MVC (gitlab-org&8741)
- 77% - of scheduled issues from epic: Prometheus Clean Up (gitlab-org&6596)
Percentage is a rough estimate and could be quite wrong. The calculation codifies @syasonik
's mental model for ~% completion, based on workflow labels, open MRs, and domain labels.
More info...
Monitor:Self-Monitoring Deprecation and Removal - 100% complete
Standalone issues - 82% complete
Monitor: Metrics Deprecation and Removal - 59% complete
Engineering Transition issue for Service Desk to Monitor - 96% complete
Issue | Status | ~% Complete |
Service Desk: update team references in Enginee... (gitlab-org/gitlab#398168 - closed) Type: typemaintenance maintenancerefactor Domains: |
@francoisrose workflowin review Relevant MRs: (2) In review MRs (1): gitlab-com/runbooks!5762 (merged) Merged MRs (1): gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!124156 (merged) |
85% |
Service Desk: move Grafana panels to Respond da... (gitlab-org/gitlab#398166 - closed) Type: typemaintenance maintenancerefactor Domains: |
@francoisrose workflowcomplete Relevant MRs: (1) Merged MRs (1): gitlab-com/runbooks!5753 (merged) |
100% |
Service Desk: update ownership of metrics (gitlab-org/gitlab#398163 - closed) Type: typemaintenance maintenancerefactor Domains: backend frontend |
@francoisrose No backend assignee workflowcomplete Relevant MRs: (1) Merged MRs (1): gitlab-org/gitlab!119978 (merged) |
100% |
Improve Respond group documentation - 100% complete
Issue | Status | ~% Complete |
CTRT - Improve Service Desk documentation (gitlab-org/gitlab#393551 - closed) Type: typemaintenance maintenancerefactor Domains: documentation |
@msedlakjakubowski No grouprespond assignee workflowready for development |
100% |
Improve quality of Vue-related frontend testing suite - 25% complete
Issue | Status | ~% Complete |
Fix spec violations in spec/frontend/monitoring... (gitlab-org/gitlab#391068 - closed) Type: typemaintenance maintenancerefactor Domains: frontend Possible action items required- check workflow label for accuracy - actual is |
@psjakubowska workflowin dev |
25% |
Fix spec violations in spec/frontend/monitoring... (gitlab-org/gitlab#391022 - closed) Type: typemaintenance maintenancerefactor Domains: frontend Possible action items required- check workflow label for accuracy - actual is |
@psjakubowska workflowin dev |
25% |
Fix spec violations in spec/frontend/monitoring... (gitlab-org/gitlab#390979 - closed) Type: typemaintenance maintenancerefactor Domains: frontend Possible action items required- check workflow label for accuracy - actual is |
@psjakubowska workflowin dev |
25% |
Fix spec violations in spec/frontend/monitoring... (gitlab-org/gitlab#391020 - closed) Type: typemaintenance maintenancerefactor Domains: frontend Possible action items required- check workflow label for accuracy - actual is |
@psjakubowska workflowin dev |
25% |
16.0 Monitor Stage Removal - 29% complete
Escalation Policies MVC bug bash - 0% complete
Issue | Status | ~% Complete |
Escalation Policy edit modal: `Save changes` bu... (gitlab-org/gitlab#376697 - closed) Type: typebug bugux Domains: frontend UX Possible action items required- check workflow label for accuracy - workflow label is absent |
@daelmo No grouprespond assignee workflowready for development |
0% |
Incident Tag MVC - 50% complete
Issue | Status | ~% Complete |
Clean up presentation of items in incident high... (gitlab-org/gitlab#360009 - closed) Type: typefeature featureenhancement Domains: backend frontend UX documentation database | workflowin dev Relevant MRs: (1) Draft MRs (1): gitlab-org/gitlab!109293 (closed) |
50% |
Prometheus Clean Up - 77% complete
Issue | Status | ~% Complete |
Allow Prometheus' metrics dashboard and incomin... (gitlab-org/gitlab#338838) Type: typefeature featureenhancement Domains: backend frontend UX documentation database |
@syasonik workflowin dev Relevant MRs: (3) In review MRs (2): gitlab-org/gitlab!120046 (merged), gitlab-org/gitlab!120055 (merged) Merged MRs (1): gitlab-org/gitlab!118218 (merged) |
77% |
Contributions on: 132 merge_requests, 50 issues, 3 epics
Contributions span from 2023-05-05 to 2023-05-13. focus areas
- Type: 71% typemaintenance, 29% typefeature
- Group: 64% grouprespond, 9% groupthreat insights, 7% grouputilization, 7% grouppipeline execution, 5% ~"group::authentication and authorization", 7% other (<3% each)
- Category: 42% Category:Metrics, 7% Category:Consumables Cost Management, 7% Category:Continuous Integration, 44% other (<3% each)
- Work item: 91% ~"merge_requests", 9% issues
grouprespond contributions
- Add Metrics Dashboard templates viewer to FF : commented on (27), accepted (1), approved (2) issues
- Metrics: hide deprecated modules behind a featu... (gitlab-org/gitlab#399231 - closed) : commented on (5)
other contributions
- Update dependency @gitlab/ui to v62.9.1 : accepted (1), commented on (1), approved (1)
event from on : accepted (3), commented on (10), approved (4)
psjakubowska focus areas
- Type: 74% typemaintenance, 21% typefeature, 5% other (<3% each)
- Group: 77% grouprespond, 13% groupoptimize, 5% grouprunner, 5% other (<3% each)
- Category: 69% Category:Metrics, 5% ~"Category:Runner Fleet", 3% Category:Docs Site, 3% Category:Incident Management, 21% other (<3% each)
- Work item: 82% ~"merge_requests", 18% issues
grouprespond contributions
- Draft: Set remove_monitor_metrics flag to : commented on (18), opened (4), closed (1)
- Delete links to removed pages for Monitor : opened (1) issues
- [Feature flag] Rollout of `remove_monitor_metrics` (gitlab-org/gitlab#399248) : commented on (6)
other contributions
- Show new registration flow in group empty : commented on (5), approved (2)
- Draft: Create Product Accessibility working : commented on (1) issues
- : commented on (1)
splattael focus areas
- Type: 59% typemaintenance, 32% typefeature, 5% typebug, 4% other (<3% each)
- Group: 35% grouprespond, 25% groupide, 5% groupimport and integrate, 5% ~"group::ai-enablement", 2% groupglobal search, 27% other (<3% each)
- Category: 14% Category:Remote Development, 3% Category:Metrics, 2% Category:Database, 2% Category:Service Desk, 78% other (<3% each)
- Work item: 78% ~"merge_requests", 20% issues, 2% other (<3% each)
grouprespond contributions
- Add Metrics Dashboard annnotations API to FF : commented on (40), approved (8), accepted (6), opened (6)
- Bump rubocop-rspec in gemspec : commented on (1), opened (1)
- Avoid shell injection passing any array to : commented on (10), opened (4) issues
- Move feature flag condition into partial cluste... (gitlab-org/gitlab#410520 - closed) : opened (3), commented on (7), closed (1) epics
- Monitor:Self-Monitoring Deprecation and Removal (gitlab-org&10030 - closed) : commented on (3)
other contributions
- Using `return`, `break` or `throw` to exit a tr... (gitlab-org/gitlab#410086 - closed) : commented on (29), opened (5)
- Bug: Status updates for error doesn't work (gitlab-org/opstrace/opstrace#2159 - closed) : commented on (4)
- : opened (2) merge_requests
- Define different service names per LLM client : accepted (14), commented on (84), approved (18), closed (1), opened (1)
- Reviewer based on team.yml data : commented on (1)
- Update dependency rubocop-rspec to v2.22.0 : accepted (1), commented on (2), approved (1)
- Updates project prioritisation : commented on (3), closed (1) epics
- Remove the `Gitlab::Routing` module and use Rai... (gitlab-org&9866) : commented on (1)
- Rails 7.0.4 Upgrade (gitlab-org&7875 - closed) : commented on (1)
syasonik focus areas
- Type: 48% typemaintenance, 26% typefeature, 6% typebug, 20% other (<3% each)
- Group: 83% grouprespond, 11% groupknowledge, 6% other (<3% each)
- Category: 70% Category:Incident Management, 11% Category:Content Editor, 7% Category:Metrics, 6% Category:Service Desk, 6% other (<3% each)
- Work item: 85% ~"merge_requests", 15% issues
grouprespond contributions
- Add Metrics Dashboard templates viewer to FF : commented on (48), closed (2), opened (15), approved (1) issues
- Metrics: hide deprecated modules behind a featu... (gitlab-org/gitlab#399231 - closed) : commented on (3), opened (1)
other contributions
- Refactoring the issue find or create method. : accepted (2), approved (1), commented on (2) issues
- Feedback: New layout for Markdown and Rich Text... (gitlab-org/gitlab#409976 - closed) : commented on (9)
ck3g focus areas
- Type: 52% typemaintenance, 38% typefeature, 9% typebug, 2% other (<3% each)
- Group: 51% grouprespond, 9% groupthreat insights, 5% groupacquisition, 5% groupide, 5% groupanalytics instrumentation, 5% grouppipeline execution, 4% groupcomposition analysis, 3% groupenvironments, 2% groupanti-abuse, 10% other (<3% each)
- Category: 17% Category:Incident Management, 8% Category:GitLab CLI, 5% Category:Service Ping, 5% Category:Continuous Integration, 4% Category:License Compliance [DEPRECATED], 3% Category:Remote Development, 3% Category:Service Desk, 3% Category:Vulnerability Management, 51% other (<3% each)
- Work item: 99% ~"merge_requests", 1% other (<3% each)
grouprespond contributions
- Add Metrics Dashboard starred dashboard API : accepted (6), commented on (17), approved (10), opened (8)
- feat(incident): add incident unsubscribe : commented on (6)
other contributions
- Do not send AI code for secret detection : commented on (25), approved (13), accepted (5)
- Fixed a small typo : commented on (1)
- feat(ssh-key): add delete command : commented on (1) issues
- Announcement: Upcoming changes to the Engineer ... (gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#2886 - closed) : commented on (1)
rkadam3 focus areas
- Type: 58% typemaintenance, 31% typefeature, 7% typebug, 4% other (<3% each)
- Group: 57% grouprespond, 7% ~"group::authentication and authorization", 6% groupglobal search, 6% groupproject management, 5% groupoptimize, 5% groupsecurity policies, 4% grouppipeline authoring, 4% groupimport and integrate, 2% groupfoundations, 5% other (<3% each)
- Category: 20% Category:Service Desk, 6% Category:Team Planning, 5% Category:Security Policy Management, 4% Category:Pipeline Composition, 4% Category:Importers, 2% Category:Metrics, 2% Category:Gitaly, 57% other (<3% each)
- Work item: 83% ~"merge_requests", 15% issues, 1% other (<3% each)
grouprespond contributions
- Update documentation related to self-monitoring... (gitlab-org/gitlab#394998 - closed) : commented on (11), closed (2) merge_requests
- Draft: Set remove_monitor_metrics flag to : approved (2), commented on (25), opened (4)
- Release Post - Service Desk Comment Author : commented on (3) epics
- Monitor:Self-Monitoring Deprecation and Removal (gitlab-org&10030 - closed) : commented on (1)
other contributions
- Remove obsolete tanuki_bot REST API : accepted (7), approved (13), commented on (16)
francoisrose focus areas
- Type: 32% typemaintenance, 9% typeignore, 3% typefeature, 56% other (<3% each)
- Group: 80% grouprespond, 3% groupdistribution, 17% other (<3% each)
- Category: 30% Category:Service Desk, 70% other (<3% each)
- Work item: 56% issues, 44% ~"merge_requests"
grouprespond contributions
- Release Post - Service Desk Comment Author : commented on (9), opened (3), accepted (1)
- Adds deprecation note for sidekiq delivery : commented on (7), approved (1), opened (2)
- Replace Plan with Monitor in Service Desk : commented on (1), opened (1) issues
- Monitor:Respond Weekly Update - W19 - May-08-2023 (#238 - closed) : commented on (3), closed (1)
- Service Desk: update ownership of metrics (gitlab-org/gitlab#398163 - closed) : closed (2), commented on (14), opened (6)
- Merge requests requiring attention for `group::... (gitlab-org/quality/triage-reports#12337 - closed) : commented on (1), closed (1)
other contributions
- Upgrade to v15.11.0 GitLab did not display Graf... (gitlab-org/gitlab#408951 - closed) : commented on (4), closed (1)
- FY24 Q2 Respond Group OKR Planning (#236 - closed) : commented on (3), closed (1) merge_requests
- Clean Monitor Category and Features for 16.0 : approved (1), commented on (3)
Data from: Scraped from activity page for each user. Activities which don't support labels are mostly ignored.
Relevant links
- Current Planning Issue
- Async Retrospectives
- Internal dogfooding adoption (chart)
- Dogfooding by feature (table)
- Support Help Requests
- Ops Department Status Updates
This update was generated by the weekly_update script in gitlab-org/monitor/respond. Highlights are manually curated.
How does it work?
Where does the content come from?
Highlights are added manually; everything else is pulled from GitLab, Google, Grafana, etc.
How does it get there?
- Every Friday, a scheduled pipeline creates the issue for the next week, and it updates the issue for the current week.
- When a new issue is created, only a few details are included in the description about what might be expected for the week. A comment thread is added where highlights can be collected to be autofilled into the description later in the week.
- When the issue is updated, the highlights thread will be collected as a list and added to the issue description. An detailed overview of progress on the milestone will also be included.
How do I make changes?
To this specific issue
This specific issue: Add content directly to the issue description, or you can add highlights by commenting on the highlights thread.
Static content: Update Add any static content to the file to include it in the issue description when the issue is created.
Dynamic content: Rearrange the REPLACE-ME
placeholder HTML comments. Placeholder comments can be either singleline or multiline. The placeholders are replaced by script-aggregated content.
- Required attributes:
: all-caps name given to a chunk of markdown generated by the weekly_update script.-
-> Link to previous/next update issue -
-> PTO breakdown for Monitor:Respond team for the week -
-> Current state of respond error budget -
-> Breakdown of team's focus by type label & epic -
-> Estimated % completion of scheduled issues by epic -
-> Estimated % completion of each individual scheduled issue -
-> Aggregated contributions for each team member over the last week -
-> Issues assigned to team members in expired milestones -
-> Link to planning issue & other team-specifics that change week to week -
-> Assigns milestone & other team-specifics that change week to week -
-> List of comments from highlight thread (oldest thread to include the word "highlight" in the first comment)
: determines when the comment will be replaced in the issue description.-
- replaced when the issue is created -
- replaced at the end of the week
- Singleline format:
<!-- REPLACE-WITH-<section>:<action> -->
- Multiline format:
<!-- REPLACE-WITH-<section>-START:<action> --> Anything here will also be replaced when the script runs. <!-- REPLACE-WITH-<section>-END:<action> -->
Adding threads: Add a multiline placeholder with section
. Content inside the block will be added as a thread on the issue, and it can include other placeholders.
Run the Generate detailed weekly update issue
to trigger an update. Once an update has run, the pipeline can be run many
times without consequence to the existing issue. Refer to Format > Dynamic content
for the syntax needed
to regenerate sections of the issue.
To modify how the content itself is generated, refer to weekly_update/