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Service desk unsubscribe link does not unsubscribe the e-mail address

What does this MR do and why?

The issue is that SentNotification model does not meet the requirements for email participants (for ex: IssueEmailParticipant) At the moment we attach the support bot to SentNotification when sending notifications to email participants it leads to the issue that we can not determine what email participants should be unsubscribed (a sent notification has a reference to the support bot but we wanna it to have a reference to the issue email participant)

In other words, the recipient of the sent notification is polymorphic (User, IssueEmailParticipant, etc.). There was made a decision to use a separate table instead of a polymorphic association gitlab-foss!11168 (merged)

Related MR's

Screenshots or screen recordings


How to set up and validate locally

The MR does not change the current behavior

  1. make sure that you have a service desk issue with email participants
  2. Enable feature Feature.enabled(:unsubscribe_issue_email_participant)
  3. left a note in the issue
  4. go to /rails/letter_opener
  5. find a service desk notification email
  6. click on the unsubscribe link

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #383160 (closed)

Edited by Mykhailo Maisdanskyi

Merge request reports