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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.11.16 Release: v0.11.16
    Version 0.11.16
    * Bug fix release: fixed a regression caused by the "fix" in v0.11.15.
  • v0.11.15 Release: v0.11.15
    Version 0.11.15
    * Bug fix release: fixed another issue with adding a new music source. (#325)
  • v0.11.14 Release: v0.11.14
    Version 0.11.14
    * Bug fix release: fixed issue with adding a new music source. Thanks to @wangd2
      for the contribution. (#320, !68)
  • v0.11.13 Release: v0.11.13
    Version 0.11.13
    * Updated requirement for ``bleach`` dependency to ``>=3.3.0`` to allow for
      compatibility with the ``4.0.0`` release
    * Implemented logic to automatically fall back to http protocol when https
      failed. Thanks to @thelostpolaris for the contribution. (#302)
    * Official Flatpak support has been dropped (#309)
  • v0.11.12 Release: v0.11.12
    **Dependency bumps** (attention: package maintainers):
    * ``bleach``: ``^3.2.1 -> ^3.3.0``
    * ``keyring``: ``^21.4.0 -> ^23.0.0``
    * ``pychromecast``: ``^7.3.0 -> ^9.1.1``
    **Bug Fixes**
    * Fixed some bugs with Chromecast active device highlighting. (#274)
    * A man page has been added and is installed via the Arch package. Thanks to
      @baldurmen for the contribution.
    **Code Health and Infrastructure**
    * Converted to ``poetry-core``. Thanks to @SuperSandro2000 for the contribution.
    * Converted to use ``bleach`` for all HTML sanitization tasks. (#276)
  • v0.11.11
    2c20cb71 · Update CHANGELOG ·
    Release: v0.11.11
    **Bug Fixes**
    * Fixed some issues for Ampache compatibility. Thanks to @BenjaminSchaaf for the
      contribution. (#272)
    * Improved compatibility with the MPRIS DBUS spec. Thanks to @esiqveland for the
    * Fixed a few bugs with ignored articles.
    * Fixed GI import warning. Thanks to @baldurmen for the contribution.
    * Fixed issues related to the new year.
    * Improved NixOS docs.
    * Convert entirely over to ``poetry`` from ``setuptools`` for building and
      deploying and updated the documentation accordingly.
    * Add a custom check to ensure that the version in ``pyproject.toml`` matches
      with the other instances of the version.
    * Converted to using the ``flatpak-poetry-generator`` instead of the
      ``flatpak-pip-generator`` for Flatpak builds. Thanks to @BenjaminSchaaf for
      the contribution.
    * Improvements to the sourcehut build pipelines.
    * Improvements to the shell.nix for development.
    * Added the ability to use Salt Authentication. Thanks to @acompagno for the
    * Fixed issue where the Flatpak couldn't respond to media keys due to a DBus
      name mismatch.
    * Fixed bug where song titles were escaped incorrectly in the album songs view.
      Thanks to @edwargix for the contribution!
    * Added a ``shell.nix`` file
    * Use the built-in Nix shell handling in direnv for making the development
      environment more deterministic.
    * The Flatpak is saved on as an asset on each sourcehut build.
  • v0.11.10 Release: v0.11.10
    * Added the ability to use Salt Authentication. Thanks to @acompagno for the
    * Fixed issue where the Flatpak couldn't respond to media keys due to a DBus
      name mismatch.
    * Fixed bug where song titles were escaped incorrectly in the album songs view.
      Thanks to @edwargix for the contribution!
    * Added a ``shell.nix`` file
    * Use the built-in Nix shell handling in direnv for making the development
      environment more deterministic.
    * The Flatpak is saved on as an asset on each sourcehut build.
  • v0.11.9 Release: v0.11.9
    Version 0.11.9
    **The wait is over!** Thanks to help from jlanda[1], the **Flatpak** is back!  The
    Flatpak requires ``org.gnome.SDK//3.38`` and ``org.gnome.Platform//3.38`` to be
    installed on your system.
    **Bug Fixes**
    * Fixed regressions with Chromecast playback.
    * Switched from Pipenv to Poetry because Poetry is so much faster.
    * Added a ``.envrc`` file for direnv users.
    * Started migrating from GitLab to due to usability regressions in GitLab.
    * **Package name change:** The package name is now ``sublime_music`` instead of
  • v0.11.8 Release: v0.11.8
    Version 0.11.8
  • v0.11.7 Release: v0.11.7
    Version 0.11.7
  • v0.11.6 Release: v0.11.6
    Version 0.11.6
  • v0.11.5 Release: v0.11.5
    Version 0.11.5
  • v0.11.4
    12dde4be · Add CHANGELOG for v0.11.4 ·
    Release: v0.11.4
    Version 0.11.4
  • v0.11.3
    Version 0.11.3
  • v0.11.2
    5be027ce · Fix more linter errors ·
    Release: v0.11.2
    Version 0.11.2
  • v0.11.1 Release: v0.11.1
    Version 0.11.1
  • v0.11.0
    fcc62445 · Update version to 0.11.0 ·
    Release: v0.11.0
    Version 0.11.0
  • v0.10.3 Release: v0.10.3
    Version 0.10.3
    This is a hotfix release. I forgot to add the Subsonic logo resources to
    ````. All of the interesting updates happened in `v0.10.2`_.
    .. _v0.10.2:
  • v0.10.2
    c244d542 · Try to fix build again ·
    Release: v0.10.2
    Version 0.10.2
  • v0.10.1
    bbabe607 · Fix build ·
    Version 0.10.1
    Hopefully this one actually works