- Shaun Mooney (shaunmooney)
- Matt Green (mattg)
- Poppy Singleton-Hoare (poppy)
Shaun Mooney (shaunmooney)
- Done
- Step 4: type 1, 3 and 4 (phase 1)
- Step 4: type 2 (phase 2 and 3)
- Doing
- Continued : Step 4 type 1, 3 and 4 (phase 2)
- Next
- MIT Presentation
- Level 2 UCAs
- Brake (from Control to canbus)
- Trajectory (from Planning to Control)
Matt Green ( mattg )
- Done
- Finished the CAs for type 3 / type 4
- Doing
- developing requirements
- entering the new (and old) types of scenario into the tool as data
- comparing results, writing the talk
Poppy Singleton-Hoare (poppy)
- Done
- Meeting
- Next
- Pick up types 3&4/requirements when poss