- Shaun Mooney
- Matt Green
Shaun Mooney ( shaunmooney )
- Done
- Pushing notes to make repo easier to read
- Doing
- Publishing "finalised" brake UCAs for level 1
- Pushing more git notes
- Code analysis description (make it easier to follow what file says what) Next
- STPA step 4 scenario types 2 and 3
Matt Green ( mattg )
- made progress with the type 2 scenarios
- got the format together now
- once again, type 2 scenarios nearly finished
- made progress with the type 2 scenarios
- Finishing integrated type 1 / type 2 analysis for breaks
- write up the scenarios, from the analysis; this will be purely an exercise
<mattg> o/
<shaunmooney> mattg?
<mattg> do we want to present anything at the meeting today?
<mattg> I have almost finished my work, but it isn't quite there yet
<mattg> ??
<shaunmooney> I don't think so. I think it's more for seeing where we're up to with our own goals in mind
<mattg> fair enopug
<mattg> words to that effect
<mattg> _o_
<shaunmooney> I'll finish my bit next week while you're away then we can compare and present the week after
<shaunmooney> _o_
<shaunmooney> If no further points we'll end in 5
<shaunmooney> 4
<shaunmooney> 3
<shaunmooney> 2
<shaunmooney> 1
<shaunmooney> End of standup