- Shaun Mooney ( shaunmooney )
- Matt Green ( mattg )
Shaun Mooney
- Done
- Reorganise git repo
- Project description
- reorganised directories
- Reorganise git repo
- Doing
- Pushing git repo notes and reorganisation to make it easier to read
- Code analysis description (make it easier to follow what file says what) Next
- Publish finalised brake UCAs
- STPA step 4 scenario types 2 and 3
- Pushing git repo notes and reorganisation to make it easier to read
Matt Green ( mattg )
- Done
- made progress with the type 2 scenarios
- got the format together now
- made progress with the type 2 scenarios
- Doing
- Creating more Type 2 for some more UCAs
- Next
- integrate those type 2 with the type 1 scenarios
- write up the scenarios, from the analysis