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Make Illya Klymov a Frontend Maintainer

Illya Klymov requested to merge xanf-master-patch-09860 into master

After 3+ months of being a trainee maintainer, I would like to propose myself as a candidate for becoming a Frontend Maintainer. I believe that the quality of reviews and the MRs I've authored is sufficient for maintainer

My trainee FE maintainer issue: #6236 (closed)

Links to Non-Trival MRs I've Reviewed

I was involved into reviewing multiple design management MRs (thanks @ntepluhina for opportunity), performing both early and "final" reviews. These MRs are big and contain a lot of discussions and were changed significantly based on my comments:

Another big thing was a refactoring of Geo Replicable UI components, which started as single MR and was split to multiple ones:

Links to Non-Trivial MRs I've Written

During my year I've tried always to pay attention to global problems and possible improvements we have on the frontend side.

@gitlab-org/maintainers/frontend please chime in below with your thoughts, and approve this MR if you agree.

Once This MR is Merged

  1. Create an access request for maintainer access to gitlab-org.
  2. Let a maintainer add you to gitlab-org/maintainers/frontend
  3. Announce it everywhere
  4. Keep reviewing, start merging 🤘 😎 🤘

Closes #6236 (closed)

Edited by Illya Klymov

Merge request reports