[Outreachy 2024] [Pre-Requisite] [Step 5] Write an onboarding guide for Outreachy 2025 applicants
Write a guide that describes best practices for onboarding to the Outreachy internship program and publish it on your blog. Add a comment to this issue with a link to your blog article to verify completion.
You should already have seen #140 (closed), #153 (closed), #154 (closed), #155 (closed), and #156 (closed) to learn more about Fedora and our community. This issue is considered a pre-requisite to be considered eligible for the Fedora Community Architect Outreachy internship. Non-completion of this issue means an applicant will not be considered for the Outreachy internship.
Next, the mentors want to evaluate your technical writing abilities. This type of writing is different than your previous blog post because this post is more like instructions or a guide to help someone achieve a specific task or group of tasks. Someone who reads this next blog post of yours should be informed enough to follow your instructions and do something after reading.
This post does NOT need to be Fedora-specific, but it should be guidance to anyone who is applying for the Outreachy program and does not know what to expect. Since you are currently going through the application phase, you have some of the best insights on what steps someone should or should not follow. Is there something you wish you had known in the weeks before the application phase opened? Give your best wisdom in this written assignment!
You should now have your own blog, per the steps described in #154 (closed), and written a first post about Fedora, described in #155 (closed). This should be the second post on your blog about Fedora. Remember, this article is not a testimonial or overview of your experience, but it is intended to provide some instructions and guidance to the reader. We want to evaluate your ability to write clear, comprehensible instructions in this task.
To verify completion, simply comment in this issue with a link to your blog post. Once a mentor verifies your blog post, you will be assigned to this issue, which marks you as having successfully completed this task.
- You document your learnings and insights as an Outreachy applicant to help others in the future.
- Mentors have an opportunity to evaluate your technical writing abilities.