raspberry pi
Projects with this topic
Python OctoPrint controller for keypad connected to the RaspberryPi GPIOs
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PiVR has been developed to track a variety of animals in real time and present them with light stimuli. Manual can be found at www.PiVR.org, scientific publication at https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000712
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Mistborn is your own virtual private cloud platform and WebUI that manages self hosted services, and secures them with firewall, Wireguard VPN w/ PiHole-DNSCrypt, and IP filtering. Optional SIEM+IDS. Supports 2FA, Nextcloud, Jitsi, Home Assistant, +
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The node providing a client side Web application animating a 3D rendered game board based on the game progress events.
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Open and close a window using two motion detectors and a motor controlled by GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
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Fork of Joachim & Tim Fahrners AV4MS project. The original homepage along with debian packages and a complete system image can be found at http://av4ms.fahrner.name/
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The NFC door entry system for Queer Computer Club in Toronto, Canada.
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The central component of CyberP4, interfacing the hardware and orchestrating the gameplay.
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HO scale model railroad car design that holds and powers a Raspberry Pi Zero W and Camera Module V1, allowing real time first person streaming from a model train.
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Projetc by Python and QTcreator , runnig by RaspbaerryPI
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Raspberry Pi for home automation. Runs daemons for hardware access and communication on a network of Pi's. Plus a desktop (Qt multi-platform but tested on linux only) front-end for managing all your Pi's and keeping track what they do.
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C/C++ GNU/Linux kernel module to drive via SPI a MAX7219 controlled chained array of 8x8 led matrices. Currently, only ARMv7 is tested (Olimexino Lime A10 and Raspberry Pi B+ v1.2)
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Customized Raspberry images with etherLab preinstalled
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Stores the data collected by ADS-B in the database captured by dump1090
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Reads total power consumption values from an influxdb and calculates several statistics like power consumption including costs per day, per week, per month, and per year.