- Jim MacArthur
- Chris Polin
- Laurence Urhegyi
Jim MacArthur
- Done:
- Mostly other-project work, should be finished for now
- Doing:
- Research into git-candidate
- Preparation for C Safe-Secure meeting tomorrow
Chris Polin
- Done:
- Rewrote Trustable Software Workflow with persia, UML pushed to gitlab. (
- Ate, drank, and was generally merry.
- Doing:
- Rewriting text on wiki to reflect changes to UML.
10:46 < Chris> Sorry!
10:46 < jmac> ## Laurence Urhegyi
10:46 < Laurence> no worries!
10:46 < Laurence> * Done
10:46 < Laurence> - More work on the Idiot's guide, although it's still not finished. I'd like to have my first pass complete today and have it reviewed this week and complete by the end of the week
10:46 < Laurence> - Preperation for the Study Group call tomorrow
10:46 < Laurence> * Doing
10:46 < Laurence> - Need to get an update on project allocation for us all
10:46 < Laurence> - Idiot's Guide
10:47 < Laurence> o/
10:47 < jmac> Go ahead Laurence
10:47 < Laurence> If 300S is free, let's dive in there
10:47 < jmac> It is
10:47 < Chris> Cool.
10:47 < Laurence> cool.
10:47 < Laurence> _o_
10:47 < jmac> Anything to raise not for the IRL meeting?
10:47 < Chris> _o_
10:47 < jmac> If not, meeting ends in 5
10:47 < jmac> 4
10:47 < jmac> 3
10:47 < jmac> 2