- Jim MacArthur
- Andrew Leeming
- Chris Polin
- Laurance Urhegyi
Jim MacArthur
- Done:
- More review of OpenControl. Figured out the schema for everything except the encoded standards documents e.g. NIST-800-53.yaml
- Questions to opencontrol:
- Doing:
- Continue trying to make a schema for NIST-800-53.yaml
Andrew Leeming
Andrew Leeming (leeming)
- Done
- Not much, more debugging of bwrap
- Got a little distracted by talks, middle of testing
- Not much, more debugging of bwrap
- Doing
- More debugging of bwrap
- I really don't feel this is moving much
- More debugging of bwrap
Chris Polin (Chris)
- Done
- Opencontrol Report
- Subscribed to github discussion re: OpenControl webinar/conference
- Cloned Mustard repo to play with it
- Doing
- Continuing to play with Mustard
- Writing Mustard report
- Done
- Not a huge amount on Friday due to other project commitments
- Doing
- Setting up review session for tomorrow to compare work on schemas
10:47 < leeming> o/
10:47 < jmac> Go ahead leeming
10:47 < leeming> Incase you do not have it bookmarked -
10:47 < jmac> Thanks leeming
10:47 < leeming> _o_
10:47 < Laurence> o/
10:47 < jmac> I'll add 'figuring out gitlab' to today's tasks
10:47 < jmac> Laurence: Go ahead
10:49 < Laurence> So, Chris: you have been looking at Mustard, and jmac. more of a focus on OpenControl? If that's the case, do we want to move the review session back a little later in the week, so that you both have enough time to focus on both Mustard and Open Control?
10:49 < jmac> I think I've got enough information to report on both by tomorrow but I'm not in any rush
10:49 < Chris> I've been primarily looking at OpenControl to be honest, Mustard has taken something of a backseat for me, I'm only really getting to grips with it now.
10:50 < Laurence> OK, so tomorrow early afternoon still a good time to aim for?
10:50 < leeming> o/
10:50 -!- bruce [bruceunderhill@] has joined #co019
10:51 < Chris> Although I've spent a fair bit of time gathering information about this webinar and following discussions about same on the github.
10:51 < jmac> It's up to Chris
10:51 < Chris> Tomorrow is still good, although my report may be a little more general and less technical than jmac's.
10:52 < Laurence> OK.
10:52 < Laurence> _o_
10:52 < jmac> leeming: Go ahead
10:52 < leeming> (this is getting to be a long standup), by review, is this the weekly catchup meeting?
10:53 < Laurence> No, it's a review of the 'first draft' paper of the OpenControl and Mustard schemas.
10:53 < leeming> ok, maybe I missed an announcement _o_
10:54 < jmac> ok, any other points?
10:54 < jmac> If not, meeting ends in 5
10:54 < jmac> 4
10:54 < jmac> 3
10:54 < jmac> 2