- Jim MacArthur
- Andrew Leeming
- Chris Polin
Jim MacArthur
- Done:
- OpenControl seminar
- Configured github pages demo of visualiser at
- Doing:
- Get the compliance-masonry web server running and see if that does the same thing as my front-end
- Finish web viewer
- Publsh web viewer on trustable-software and #trustable
Andrew Leeming
- Done
- Wrote blog writeup about bubblewrap and sandboxlib
- But not complete, writers block
- Wrote blog writeup about bubblewrap and sandboxlib
- Doing
- Sorting out the sandboxlib PR for good
- Pushing onto PyPi
Chris Polin (Chris)
- Done:
- Continued working on Misra-C
- Read some of Edmund's recommended info
- Attended OpenControl symposium
- Doing:
- Creating directory hierarchy for individual controls in CERT-C, as explained in symposium
- Returning to Misra-C after the above
10:46 < jmac> Any points to raise?
10:46 <@Chris> _o_
10:46 < leeming> o/
10:46 < jmac> Go ahead, leeming
10:46 < leeming> standup next week?
10:46 < jmac> Who would like to run it?
10:46 < leeming> I guess it is my turn again :)
10:46 < jmac> Don't all shout at once
10:47 <@Laurence> leeming, could you please?
10:47 < jmac> OK, leeming, that would be great, thank
10:47 < leeming> YES!
10:47 < jmac> Any other points?
10:47 <@Laurence> Thanks leeming.
10:47 <@Laurence> _o_
10:47 < jmac> If not, meeting ends in 5
10:47 < jmac> 4
10:47 < jmac> 3
10:47 < jmac> 2