Andrew Leeming (leeming)
- Done
- Struggled, swore a little at bubblewrap+gitlab
- But moving slowly forward with getting it working
- Mix of slow runners, but can run some things locally
- Hit a confusing issue with bubblewrap before I left
- Read some things about minijail
- Stored copy of standup log until repository/location can be decided upon
- Not an awful lot else
- Doing
- Continuing with bubblewrap integration
- Spend some time figging out the current issue before bugging people for help
- Issues
Dan Firth (locallycompact)
- Done:
- Started a python definitions library.
- Today:
Jim MacArthur (jmac)
- Done:
- Gained a better understanding of Kwalify and OpenControl's schema
- Researched Baserock's 'schema' repo and tested its validation script
- New post to trustable-software ("What's the difference between requirements and controls?")
- Doing:
- ER Diagram of OpenControl and Mustard
- Potentially add some comments into OpenControl's yaml schema
Chris Polin (Chris)
- Installed Nodejs for OpenControl
- Installed golang for OpenControl (inexplicably a PITA)
- got compliance-masonry working
- Getting OpenControl example running
- Continue reading trustable-software mailing list
- Leeming checks up on the status of official standup log location
- Laurence to see Paul later for clarity
- Laurance asks for non-days for catchup meetings
- Locallycompact and jmac can not do monday