Rearrange and add chapters
I've skimmed through the issues here, and combined with learning from others' manuals (Rust Book, Affinity Designer, Illustrator), I've imagined a rearrangement of the chapters, with missing chapters added in. Please give me feedback on how this could be done better! (Bold chapters are missing ones, italic chapters are renamed of extended ones)
- Introduction
- Installing Inkscape
- Installing Inkscape on Windows
- Installing Inkscape on a Mac
- Installing Inkscape on GNU/Linux → !170
- Installing Inkscape on other OSes
- Setting up Inkscape (was Finding Your Way Around) → !153
- First Steps
- Ways of Drawing in Inkscape → !162
- The Shape Tools → !161
- The Selector Tool → !160
- Squares and Rectangles → !163
- Circles, Ellipses and Arcs → !165
- Stars and Polygons → !168
- Spirals → !169
- 3D-Boxes → !171
- Objects, Layers and Groups → !174
- The Layers and Objects Dialog (replace Stacking Order) → !174
- Keyboard Shortcuts → !175
- Drawing Free Shapes → !176
- Free Drawing
- The Pencil Tool
- The Pen Tool
- The Calligraphy Tool
Editing Paths and Objects (new section) → !176
- The Shape Builder Tool
- Boolean Operations
- Clipping and Masking
- Converting Objects to Paths (was Editing Nodes ... Shape)
- Editing Paths with the Node Tool
- Node Tool Options
- About Node Types
- Offsetting Paths
- The Tweak Tool
- Changing How Objects Look
- Colors
- The Color Palette
- The Fill and Stroke Dialog
- Custom Colors and Swatches (extend Custom Colors)
- Copying and Pasting Styles (was Copying a Color)
- Creating Gradients
- Creating a Mesh Gradient
- Blending Modes
- Using Patterns
- Modifying Patterns
- Creating Custom Patterns
- Strokes
- Markers
- Ordering Markers, Stroke and Fill
- Creating Custom Markers
Arranging and Managing Objects (new section)
- The Align and Distribute Dialog (was Align and Distribute)
- Snapping
- Managing Guides
- Align Objects with Grids
- Managing Groups (was Grouping Objects)
- Creating Clones (was Cloning Objects)
- The Spray Tool
- Putting Objects on a Path
- Mirroring and Transforming Objects
- Working with Text
- Text in Inkscape
- Writing Text
- Styling Text
- Moving and Rotating Letters
- Font Features
- Adjusting Variable Fonts
- Changing Text Color
- Putting Text on a Path
- Flowing Text into a Frame
- Creating Custom Fonts
Save and Export (was Save, Import and Export)
- Saving Your Work
- Managing Document Resources
- Exporting a PNG File
- Setting Up for Printing
- Exporting a PDF File
- Exporting to other File Formats
- Batch Exporting
Opening and Importing Files (new section) → !173
- Open and Import SVG Files
- Open and Import PDF and Illustrator Files
- Open and Import Pictures (was Importing Pictures into a Document) → !172
- Other File Formats (was Importing Other File Formats)
Object Effects and Extensions (new section)
- Special Effects (introductory)
- Filters
- Commonly Used Filters
- Extensions
- The Interpolate Extension
- Generating Objects
- Batch Modifying Colors
- Live Path Effects
- Commonly Used LPEs
- The LPE Dialog
- Useful Techniques
- Overview
- Undo and Redo
- Tracing an Image
- Creating Tiled Clones
- Object Properties
- Symbols
- The Paint Bucket Tool
- Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Beyond This Guide
- Finding Help for Inkscape
- Draw Freely!
- Annex
- For Editors of This Guide
- Sample Chapter Title (h1)
- Translation HOWTO
Edited by Wen-Wei Kao