`devops::release` issues without a category label
Attention @cbalane, The following issues have been identified in the devops::release stage that do not have a category label. These should be applied with urgency so that important issues are not being lost track of.
- gitlab-org/gitlab#344233 (closed) Tech Eval: Deployment Approvals backend, ~"devops::release", frontend, ~"group::release", sectionops, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#344026 Rollback to previous release auto updated, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", sectionops, typefeature, workflowproblem validation
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343963 Missing documentation of internal API for GitLab Pages automation:ml, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343864 (closed) First-class concept for Deployment Approval Next Up, auto updated, backend, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", needs weight, sectionops, typefeature, workflowplanning breakdown
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343738 Show Deployment Rollback/Re-deploy labels ~"Accepting merge requests", Next Up, UX, backend, ~"devops::release", frontend, ~"group::release", sectionops, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343627 Deployment API requires global deployment ID instead of project specific deployment ID api, auto updated, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", sectionops, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343461 Deployments::UpdateEnvironmentWorker issues long database transactions auto updated, database, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", ~"long-database-transaction", ~"performance", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343443 (closed) Replace old event emitter in environments with Apollo and client queries Deliverable, ~"Release::P2", auto updated, backend, ~"devops::release", frontend, frontend-weight1, ~"group::release", sectionops, workflowin review
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343308 (closed) Add additional statistics about duration of pipelines/stages/jobs with filtering backend, customer, ~"devops::release", featureaddition, frontend, ~"group::release", sectionops
gitlab-org/gitlab#343233 (closed) GitLab CI ignores the value of
~"devops::release", ~"group::release", sectionops - gitlab-org/gitlab#343223 (closed) Release asset links on private projects cannot be downloaded with a token ~"Accepting merge requests", Eng-ConsumerInfrastructure, Eng-ProducerDevelopment, Engineering Allocation, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", infradev, priority2, sectionops, severity4, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343097 (closed) Scary wording for redeploying environments UI text, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", sectionops, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343056 (closed) Edit navigation steps in operations/feature_flags.md ~"Accepting merge requests", Technical Writing, ~"devops::release", docsimprovement, documentation, ~"good for new contributors", ~"group::release", sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343029 (closed) Environments redesign - Deployment component auto updated, backend, ~"devops::release", frontend, frontend-weight3, ~"group::release", sectionops, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343028 (closed) Environments redesign - Environment component UX, auto updated, ~"devops::release", frontend, ~"group::release", sectionops, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343026 (closed) Environments redesign - Folder component Deliverable, UX, auto updated, ~"devops::release", frontend, ~"group::release", sectionops, typefeature, workflowin dev
gitlab-org/gitlab#342991 (closed) [Feature flag] Rollout of
~"Release::P1", auto updated, ~"devops::release", feature flag, ~"group::release", missed:14.4, sectionops, ~"sharding-blocker", typemaintenance, workflowin review - gitlab-org/gitlab#342440 (closed) Approval notifications via Todos auto updated, ~"devops::release", frontend-weight1, ~"group::release", needs weight, sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#342439 (closed) Approval UI - Add approve/reject comment ~"Accepting merge requests", auto updated, backend, ~"devops::release", frontend, ~"group::release", needs weight, sectionops, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#342180 (closed) Approval UI - Environments Page MVC UX, auto updated, ~"devops::release", documentation, frontend, frontend-weight3, ~"group::release", sectionops, tw-weight5, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#341720 regression: script-parsable page that gives latest release assets (by version) ~"Accepting merge requests", automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", sectionops, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#341444 (closed) Failure in qa/specs/features/browser_ui/6_release/pipeline/parent_child_pipelines_independent_relationship_spec.rb | Unable to find css "[data-qa-selector={{title}}quot;status_badge{{title}}quot;],.qa-status-badge" ~"Accepting merge requests", QA, Quality, ~"devops::release", failureinvestigating, found:staging.gitlab.com, ~"group::release", missed:14.4, priority1, sectionops, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#330390 (closed) [Experiment Rollout] in_product_guidance_environments_webide - Alert Users to Adding Environments to Pipelines Engineering, ~"devops::release", experiment-rollout, experimentactive, feature flag, ~"group::release", growth experiment, sectionops, workflowscheduling
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281030 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#20415 Enhance design of the project-tag page ~"Accepting merge requests", UX, UX scorecard-rec, auto updated, awaiting feedback, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", repository, sectiondev, severity3, typefeature, usability
- gitlab-org/gitlab#20209 (closed) Design of the tags page makes it hard to distinguish releases and provide high quality download links ~"Accepting merge requests", UX, UX scorecard-rec, ~"devops::release", ~"group::release", repository, sectiondev, severity3, typefeature, usability
You are welcome to help improve this report.