Add additional statistics about duration of pipelines/stages/jobs with filtering
From time to time we are trying to improve our pipelines using GitLab CI/CD features we had discovered and learned. But we miss statistics which would show us how much we improved around timing of pipelines. We would like to see short and long-term statistics about the duration of pipelines, stages and jobs in particular project. Ideally, those charts should also allow to filter data - for example: In a particular project:
- Show me the duration of stages and/or jobs for branches with "pattern" in its name (i.e.: I am working on improvements in specific branch and I am interested in data from this branch only)
- Show me the duration of stages and/or jobs run by a particular user (i.e.: I am working on pipeline improvements in a new branch and I want to filter out all other pipelines/branches)
- Combination of these two above (i.e.: show me duration of pipelines and/or jobs from branch containing "pattern" ran by user1)
I, as the end user, should be able to see the duration of particular jobs (to see how my work affected the whole stage).