Allow JOB-TOKEN to perform all release REST API operations
What does this MR do and why?
According to the documentation ( release API operations are possible using either a private or a job token
This MR adds job token to all API endpoints
Solves #320950 (closed)
Solves #340018 (closed)
Solves #198779 (closed)
Refs #332146 (closed)
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added Community contribution label
added 1 commit
- 268d99e5 - Allow job token to perform all release REST API operation
marked the checklist item I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR. as completed
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/triage-reports#5002 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/quality/triage-reports#5014 (closed)
added typefeature label
Thanks so much for this MR @guillaume.chauvel!
@sean_carroll could you or someone on your team please review this Community contribution? Thanks!
requested review from @sean_carroll
assigned to @guillaume.chauvel
added sectionops label
- Resolved by Vladimir Shushlin
@nicolewilliams as this is a ~"group::release" community MR, I'll pass it over to you.
requested review from @nicolewilliams and removed review request for @sean_carroll
requested review from @vshushlin and removed review request for @nicolewilliams
- Resolved by Shinya Maeda
Thank you for your contribution, @guillaume.chauvel!
I think we also need to modify tests in and to validate that job token is actually works.
I found an example in generic package registry, which can be helpful:
Let me know, if you need any help
@dcouture do see any security risk in allowing any CI job to create/modify/delete releases?
added 1 commit
- 348bb1d2 - Allow job token to perform all release REST API operations
added 1 commit
- 2c2e70b9 - Allow job token to perform all release REST API operations