Since there is a cap on how many achievements appear on your profile, there should be a way to "view all" of your achievements as a page/section of your user profile. This will help encourage users to earn more/different achievements and still get a record of everything they have earned.
It would be really great to see what achievements are available to you that haven't been earned yet on your profile. If those were "greyed out/blurred out" it would be motivation to earn those achievements in order to collect them all.
Since there is a cap on how many achievements appear on your profile, there should be a way to "view all" of your achievements as a page/section of your user profile
This is definitely something we plan to do. I was surprised we didn't already have an issue for it (so I created one: #418897)
It would be really great to see what achievements are available to you that haven't been earned yet on your profile. If those were "greyed out/blurred out" it would be motivation to earn those achievements in order to collect them all.
Love the idea! I'm not quite sure how we could make it work as there will eventually be tens of thousands of achievements on (including some which aren't achieveable e.g. Team member).
We might need to add a few things to make this feasible?
In order to show achievements for a namespace, a user must have already received at least 1 achievements from that namespace?
Each achievement must have a property achieveable or similar?
It would also not play that well where we have level 1, level 2, level 3 etc which we intend to revoke as a user is promoted. Perhaps we shouldn't revoke? But that would require us to have the ability to re-order the achievements on our profile (which is still a WIP).
Any thoughts @Taucher2003? Perhaps we should create a separate issue to discuss?
@leetickett-gitlab Creating a separate issue for the discussions seems like a good idea so we don't spam the feedback issue. I created #419048 for that and copied over your beginning of the discussion
I was able to create only one achievement, which was sufficient for my needs.
It appears that I can reward an achievement to anyone on GitLab, and it promptly appears on their profile. While this feature is beneficial, there is a potential downside: individuals may misuse it by excessively promoting their repositories. To mitigate this, it might be advisable to implement a system where the recipient has the option to accept or decline the achievement, particularly since an email notification is sent to them.
It would be a great addition to have a clickable href attached to the achievement upon clicking it or add an href to the description.
I was able to create only one achievement, which was sufficient for my needs.
Do you mean you aren't able to create more achievements? Or simply that you've only had time to create 1 so far?
It appears that I can reward an achievement to anyone on GitLab, and it promptly appears on their profile. While this feature is beneficial, there is a potential downside: individuals may misuse it by excessively promoting their repositories. To mitigate this, it might be advisable to implement a system where the recipient has the option to accept or decline the achievement, particularly since an email notification is sent to them.
You can opt-out of achievements entirely
We have some work in flight to allow ordering of achievements (only 3 appear on user profiles at the moment).
Shortly after that we'll be working on the ability to show/hide achievements.
We will definitely be monitoring things to see if we feel we need to add a step to approve achievements.
It would be a great addition to have a clickable href attached to the achievement upon clicking it or add an href to the description.
Definitely part of the plan once we have built more of this feature.
At the moment (as you know) you can only create/award/update etc via GraphQL.
We will of course be looking to build a UI for that, then we can have things like a achievement lists and achievement details
If you are interested- you're welcome to help contribute to the effort.
There are some more details in &9429 but it's still fairly loosely defined.
We have the start of a UI now to view and create a groups achievements and user achievements
But we really want the ability to award them before we default enable/remove the feature flag
That being said, we (GitLab) have been using them for a long time and don't expect any sudden breaking changes. So I would encourage you to try them out if you don't mind using GraphQL to award/revoke for now?
I'm participating in a University project on Playful Learning, which will utilize GitLab Achievements (on a self-hosted instance), and would like to play around with Achievements on my own so that I know what I'm doing before development!
I'm trying to update an achievement using curl. If I don't try to change the avatar, everything works fine. But when I try to change the avatar, like in the achievement creation example, I receive a 500 error (500: We're sorry, something went wrong on our end).