OKR FY20-Q2: Make sure we're proactively addressing the most valuable doc improvements and corrections in every stage group. => 80%
Drawing from a combination of customer-submitted and GitLabber-submitted issues for documentation improvements deemed to be of a high priority by the technical writer (and as confirmed by the product manager):
Proactively identify and resolve high-impact documentation changes for every stage group:
- Identify 3 Manage stage issues and completely resolve.
- Identify 4 Plan stage issues and completely resolve.
- Identify 5 Create stage issues and completely resolve.
- Identify 3 Verify stage issues and completely resolve.
- Identify 2 Package stage issues and completely resolve
- Identify 4 Secure stage issues and completely resolve.
- Identify 4 Release stage issues and compleely resolve.
- Identify 3 Configure stage issues and completely resolve.
- Identify 2 Monitor stage issues and completely resolve.
The distribution of these 30 issues across stages was chosen based on the stages' average category maturity level targets for end of FY20-Q2.
Use this board https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/1086766?&label_name[]=docs-only to identify and prioritize open issues for your stage.
Use this table to paste issue references in the last 3 columns, including those you may have already completed this quarter that fit the criteria.
Tech writer | Stage (issue board) | Goal (# issues) | Issues | Est by July 31 | Done |
@eread | devops::manage | 3 | X | 3 | |
@rdickenson | devops::plan | 4 | X | 4 | |
@marcia,@axil | devops::create | 5 | X | 2 | |
@eread | devops::verify | 3 | X | 3 | |
@MattPennaThe3rd | devops::package | 2 | X | 0 | |
@axil | devops::secure | 4 | X | 4 | |
@marcia | devops::release | 4 |
X | 6 |
@eread | devops::configure | 2 | X | 2 | |
@axil | devops::monitor | 2 | X | 0 | |
@axil, @eread | devops::enablement | 1 | X | 1 |
Add a comment and ping @mikelewis to propose issues and request for approval. Keep each stage in its own thread.
Ping @mikelewis about issues you may want to assign to @MattPennaThe3rd or @marcel.amirault, as they can help, but are not yet assigned to stages/groups.
* = At risk; likely to reassign.
24/30 merged by end of quarter: 80%
- Good score, many high priority issues tackled.
- Score could have been better; lowered in part due to one team member's vacation and due to getting started later in the quarter, generally.
- Continual triage and assignment (incl. earlier in the quarter for OKRs) will help us meet deadlines generally and also reallocate work due to PTO. Remind team that when planning PTO to review assigned issues and determine (perhaps by checking with stakeholders) whether they need to be rescheduled or reassigned.