Projects with this topic
The browser that fights for your privacy.
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A universal tool for automatic (local) and remote VPN connection management via a desktop application (system tray) and API
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Collection of helpers to build things on different platforms
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Core module of the PwSh.Fw (tiny powershel framework).
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Le "Jeu du Pendu - Devine Mot" est une application console en C++ qui permet de jouer au jeu du pendu en mode solo ou multijoueur. Le joueur doit deviner un mot mystère en choisissant des lettres une par une, tandis que chaque mauvaise tentative rapproche le pendu de sa fin. Le projet offre différents modes de jeu, incluant un mode contre la machine et un mode multijoueur en ligne non fonctionnel.
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SiriLic (Siril's Interactive Companion) is a software that prepares acquisition files (RAW, Offset, Flat and Dark) for processing with the SiriL software.
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One-command setup of new machines (linux, windows, mac) including setting configurations (dotfiles) and installing binaries, securely. Easy to customize to your needs (private branch) and designed to be generic and for multi-user collaboration (master).
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A .NET Library for interacting with the GitLab API
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pySiriL ( python SiriL) is a python library to interface python to a SiriL script.
pySiriL ( python SiriL) est une librairie python pour interfacer python au langage de script de SiriL.
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InkCanvasForClass 主项目。目前正在开发 IccInkCanvas 中...
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GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more. Self-host GitLab on your own servers, in a container, or on a cloud provider.
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My Windows/Msys2/Mingw64 dotfiles.
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Games for Windows LiveLessNess. A complete Games For Windows - LIVE (GFWL) rewrite.
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Derockauto telegram bot
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Adds a sweet set of dotfiles to your home directories
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Cross-platform TUI for translating text in multiple translators simultaneously, with support for translation history and automatic language detection.