Projects with this topic
The Siril image processing software for amateur astronomy
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Open source RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software. For Windows, Linux, MacOS.
Supports a wide variety of RGB components, peripherals, accessories, and lights across many manufacturers.
See the README or for more information.
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File and Archive Manager
Read-only mirror of
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Download from SVTPlay and many other streaming services.
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The purpose of an XLiveLessNess-Module is to enchance some aspect of one or many GFWL Games/Titles or XLiveLessNess itself.
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Games for Windows LiveLessNess. A complete Games For Windows - LIVE (GFWL) rewrite.
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A hub server for XLiveLessNess used for rebroadcasting packets and host/session information to other XLLN clients.
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Save the world by solving ice puzzles and defeating enemies!
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Visualiseur de l'ensemble de Mandelbrot avec la qualité graphique de l'invite de commande. Vous pouvez zoomer à l'intérieur pour admirer la beauté des fractales infinies. Fonctionne sous Windows
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Games for Windows LiveLessNess. A complete Games For Windows - LIVE (GFWL) rewrite.
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Audio visualizer and effects engine for RGB keyboards, mice, and accessories using the OpenRGB SDK. Supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
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This is an absolute remake of the last official Trigger-Rally game. Remakes of physics, dynamics, 3D model fixes and additions, changed camera positions, UI views, and many vehicles and model transparency exist. Plans to make Windows and Android versions maybe somebody could help to do this by compiling this source code.
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Desktop soundscape application
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Setup Environments for C++ with SFML. Using terminal command lines
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Le "Jeu du Pendu - Devine Mot" est une application console en C++ qui permet de jouer au jeu du pendu en mode solo ou multijoueur. Le joueur doit deviner un mot mystère en choisissant des lettres une par une, tandis que chaque mauvaise tentative rapproche le pendu de sa fin. Le projet offre différents modes de jeu, incluant un mode contre la machine et un mode multijoueur en ligne non fonctionnel.
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A small C++ program for Windows that draws a red border around your main screen if a specific network adapter is active