Projects with this topic
The website source for, hosted by GitLab Pages.
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An android pomodoro timer app.
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A small collection of bash scripts to create a maintainable directory structure.
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Tool which can be used to verify whether the invoiced companies are linked to the correct accounts.
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Tool that can be used to automatically move files to the appropriate folders.
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Une expérience d'organisation inspirée par la lecture (partielle) du Handbook GitLab et construite avec l'arrivée de mon premier collègue. Un cas d'usage de GitLab qui concerne les (très) petites équipes/organisations.
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Terraform repo that create AWS organization accounts
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Analyze Rating & feedback to your product or organization
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Terraform module to manage an AWS Organization.
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Partially to practice with AWK and partially to build useful tooling for extracting and writing audio metadata.
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Work-in-progress application for collaboration and organization
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at4 - ahiiti's truly tremendous time tracker
A tool to process and evaluate time records.
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MASCI - Módulo de Alfresco para Sugerir Contenido de Interés
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Fulbot is a bot made to ease sport event's creation, such as football or basket matchs.
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Official website for Utopian Misfits
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Testing functions and features of a music production utility app.