Projects with this topic
Chat with your friends from Ubuntu Touch:
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Messaging app built from the ground up with security in mind
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Messenger for secured chats and groups, end-to-end encrypted. It works via e-mail servers instead of a centralized server -- based on IMAP, ECDH and QuickMSG.
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A simple messenger with the implementation of a streaming data transmission structure, a monolithic architecture, having separate client and server parts, as well as a graphical interface.
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A terminal TCP messenger program using the Vigenère cipher for message encryption.
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A progressive web app for the Telegram messenger, built with web components and TDLib (via WebAssembly).
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Implementar un ChatBot en python para controlar la interaccion con el facebook messenger. Este Controlador interactua con un api de FootBall, Watson Assistant, MongoDB
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Community-contributed Franz recipe for Wire.
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Un pequeño proyecto de ejemplo mostrando como se puede crear un chatbot de ejemplo.
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A utility to display music and games on your MSN/Windows Live Messenger status from multiple services.
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A secure messenger with a bot API based on the Signal Protocol. Currently under development.
Icon by unlimicon licensed under Creative Commons from the Noun Project.
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a dark theme for messenger. inspired by IRCCloud's Ash color scheme.
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A messenger bridge for discord
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Tunneling messenger to telegram