Projects with this topic
Playlist / karaoke session manager and player
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Ansible-driven configuration management for maintaining a preferred environment (base system and app dotfiles / configurations)
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An alternative light theme for GNOME desktop.
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Desktop native implementation of BPM User Tasks (playground sample).
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This is a desktop application made with QT5 components and C++, we are looking to keep it offline, the goal is to make a box, for supermarkets, with management for invoices, products, etc.
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Ananicy rewritten in C++ for much lower CPU and memory usage.
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With this software you can remotely view an Android device, seeing its screen in real time. It is a fork of the TigerVNC project, providing support for non-Apple Unix systems, using FLTK components as the main technology and the VNCServer library for remote visualization logic.
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A template for Dioxus in order to make using daisyUI with Rust much easier.
Live Example:
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Desktop soundscape application
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The browser that fights for your privacy.
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Git things done — right from the context menu. No commands, no clutter, just like magic.
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Cross-platform, modern, simple, high-end music player
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Desktop GUI app prototype, on Linux, in C# / DotNet[5|6] / AvaloniaUI, using VSCode.
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Desktop GUI app demo, on Linux, in C# DotNet [5| 6] and AvaloniaUI; requires ssepan.utility.core,, ssepan.application.core, ssepan.application.core.avaloniaui, mvclibrary.core.
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A human-readable clock for the gnome-shell panel
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Fedora Workstation Setup Scripts for Desktop
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Workaround way to use global shortcuts for OBS in Wayland session in KDE