Projects with this topic
simple macOS app for sketching electric circuits and running simulations
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iOS operation-based networking library (Swift)
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A replacement collection view with integrated diffing for sectioned collection data and animated low-effort reloading, using an internal view model approach to keeping Cocoa’s collection view data in sync with expected sourced data.
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A library for value change observation, building on the "willSet" and "didSet" Swift language features, written for use with macOS, iOS, and other platforms.
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Library for value observation via wrapper structs, building on built-in language features "willSet/didSet". Adopted to replace Objective C key-value observation. Originally forked from Leszek Ślażyński (
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JackCopilot is a complete re-write of JackPilot in Swift language for use with modern 64 bits macOS systems. The GUI is heavily inspired by the now deprecated JackPilot 1.7.3 application created at Grame by Stéphane Letz and Johnny Petrantoni.
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iOS operation-based networking library (Objective-C)
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🎛 A small menubar app that allows you to switch between R versions quickly (if you have multiple versions of R framework installed).Updated -
Cocoa frontend for Game of the Amazons
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Cocoa frontend to the Rust Blackjack library
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A spam-to-win typing game using Orx for the Open Jam 2018
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A Cocoa frontend for Mac that uses the Mancala library
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Mac program for building graphs with the Pathfinder library
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Farkle frontend for Mac
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The 2D sequel to the text based combat game
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A group of apps developed for Apple ecosystem on different levels, you will be able to see projects of Swift basics, until projects using AR.
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This program is intended to replace the use of passwords with a physical USB "key". This can be any USB storage device. This does not eliminate the computer's password, but instead uses an encrypted form of the password to unlock the computer.