Projects with this topic
This is the official repository for the Massive Open Online Course « Open Source Masterclass: Contribute Code To Upstream Free/Libre/Opensource Projects » 2021-????
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Lecture material for the Bootcamp of Modeling for Master Neuronal and Cognitive Systems, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.
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A non-linear course writing tool, where dependencies between chapters are shown on a map, along with other features.
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Reproducible Research in R: An intermediate workshop on modern approaches and workflows to processing data.
Archived and moved to GitHub:
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Pipeline course materials [french]
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A course to learn how to create simulations in Geant4.
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PhD pipeline course materials
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A short introduction to Reveal.Js
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Pho. Informatics' OpenData App. We'll provide you a way to see our course in much flexible way.
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Slides per corso sullo sviluppo web
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All of my programming work over the course of the three year Bulgarian program IT-kariera
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Data Science of Digital Health: Lectures and code for the University of California Data Science for Digital Health course at UCSD Extension.
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Curso de desarrollo web para la UTN.FRP
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The following project is going to grow up with the MongoDB for JavaScript Developers course and It contains all materials from the course.
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درس شبکه عصبی نیمسال دوم ۹۷ در دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان
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Content package for the course template of Activist Apprentice
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The Photography for News Course is built on the activist-apprentice-course-template, and encompasses SWN's Photography for News guide.