[ci] Allow Contributors to Manually Trigger External Fork CI
Resolves #1689 (closed). Contributors with push access to the main repo can run make gitlab-trigger-ci
, input the merge request number, and follow the link to trigger the pipeline run - subsequent pipeline run on the authors PR should bypass CI jobs and succeed.
Merge request reports
added tooling-or-ci label
mentioned in merge request !3131 (closed)
!3131 (comment 1560280368)
)I am curious about the specifics of the command used:
Enter Gitlab Merge Request ID: 3135 error: branch 'mr-3135' not found. fatal: couldn't find remote ref merge-requests/3135/head
git fetch origin merge-requests/"$MR"/head:mr-"$MR" && git checkout mr-"$MR"
origin https://gitlab.com/Multipartite/thornode.git (fetch) origin https://gitlab.com/Multipartite/thornode.git (push) upstream https://gitlab.com/thorchain/thornode.git (fetch) upstream https://gitlab.com/thorchain/thornode.git (push)
Edited by MultipartiteTemporarily renaming origin to origin2 and upstream to origin, testing with !3141 (closed):
fatal: The current branch mr-3141 has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin mr-3141
Branch 'mr-3141' set up to track remote branch 'mr-3141' from 'origin'. Everything up-to-date
fatal: The current branch mr-3141 has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin mr-3141
After trying with mr-3141 checked out:
error: Cannot delete branch 'mr-3141' checked out at '/thornode' fatal: Refusing to fetch into current branch refs/heads/mr-3141 of non-bare repository
(Having pushed normally(?), I will watch to see whether a retried 'fork' job can succeed once the mr-3141 jobs have all succeeded.)
Ahh, the 'fork' job passed, and seeing the entire pipeline pass with it I understand better the underlying principle--in effect 'the fork's pipeline passes if the appropriately-named branch has passed a pipeline for the same commit', or similar.
(I remain curious about why the 'has no upstream branch' error occurs.)Edited by Multipartite
changed milestone to %Release-1.121.0
mentioned in merge request mayachain/mayanode!216 (closed)
mentioned in merge request mayachain/mayanode!218 (merged)
mentioned in merge request mayachain/mayanode!243 (merged)