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Docker: fix PROTOCOL in docker-compose


!5933 (merged) revamped the docker-compose files but used the old convention for the PROTOCOL environment variable. Just before it was merged, !6473 (merged) renamed the Octez executables and, as a consequence, the PROTOCOL environment variable should no longer contain the protocol number.

Manually testing the MR

  • Build Docker images (e.g. by triggering the Docker job in the CI)
  • edit scripts/docker/kathmandu.yml to replace tezos/tezos:latest with the name of the image you just built
  • run docker-compose up -f scripts/docker/kathmandu.yml

(Note: I actually didn't test myself yet…)


  • Select suitable reviewers using the Reviewers field below.
  • Select as Assignee the next person who should take action on that MR

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