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Remove protocol number from executable names

Romain requested to merge nomadic-labs/tezos:romain-delegate-number into master


We recently renamed executables to replace tezos- by octez-. We want to take the opportunity to do another renaming: to remove the protocol number from executable names. For instance, the old tezos-baker-014-PtKathma is now named octez-baker-PtKathma. The reason to remove the protocol number is that it confused users: they confused the protocol number with the Octez release number. So this MR removes those numbers.

The symbolic links from tezos-baker-014-PtKathma et al. now lead to the new name.

Additionally, this MR updates the Makefile to better clean up executables with old names. Before, we did not delete some old executables from v14.0, or some executables that one could have gotten by compiling master. With this MR, after you run make clean or make, old executables from v14.0 or above no longer exist. This should prevent some confusion and mistakes.

Finally, file tx_rollup_protocol_versions was equal to active_protocol_versions now that we froze old protocols that didn't have tx rollups. So we remove tx_rollup_protocol_versions. Oh, and Hangzhou was still present in active_testing_protocol_versions, this MR cleans that up too.

This MR does not update the documentation; this should be done in another MR, and should only be merged once 15.0 is released (not 15.0~rc1). One thing to mention in particular is that the Docker entrypoint now expects PROTOCOL to not contain the protocol number, only the hash.

The changelog will be updated later, at release (this is noted in #3680 (closed)).

Manually testing the MR

Run make and check:

  • if there are leftover executables with the wrong names;
  • that the new names are ok;
  • that all expected symbolic links are present.

In the CI, check:


  • Select suitable reviewers using the Reviewers field below.
  • Select as Assignee the next person who should take action on that MR
Edited by Romain

Merge request reports