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Emacs/michelson-mode: update header to comply with Emacs convention


Emacs Lisp files that are meant to be distributed are expected to have a header following the convention described in the Emacs Lisp manual (see

The main advantage of following this convention is that the header fields are understood by the Emacs package manager so that michelson-mode can be installed with the package-install-file command (see

Manually testing the MR

To test this manually:

  • Follow the updated documentation to install michelson-mode in Emacs,
  • Configure a mockup client (with-tezos-client --base-dir /tmp/mockup create mockup)
  • Visit Michelson file with the .tz extension in Emacs
  • Check that the major mode in the mode line is Michelson
  • Check syntax highlighting
  • Move point to an instruction to check that a *Michelson* buffer pops with a pair of stack types

Automatic testing

I don't think installing the Emacs Michelson mode is currently tested in the CI. It would probably slow the CI quite a bit because it would need to install Emacs and then testing the interactive features would probably be non-trivial.


Suggested reviewers: @klakplok, @julien.t

Edited by Raphaël Cauderlier

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