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Emacs/Michelson mode: ignore stderr when calling the client


This fixes a bug that prevents to use the Emacs Michelson mode with a mockup client whose data dir has not been initialised by the tezos-client --data-dir <dir> create mockup command.

Fixes: nomadic-labs/tezos#201 by implementing the first solution (ignore stderr).

Manually testing the MR

  • setup the mode to use a mockup client with an empty data dir such as /tmp/mockup: (setq michelson-client-command "tezos-client --base-dir /tmp/mockup --mode mockup --protocol ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK")
  • visit a Michelson file
  • move point to an instruction and check that two stack types appear in the *Michelson* buffer

Automatic testing

I don't think it is applicable here.


Suggested reviewers: @klakplok, @julien.t, @richard.bonichon

Propose suitable reviewers for this MR.

Edited by Raphaël Cauderlier

Merge request reports