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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • build/35-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0, build 35 (beta)
    - Spectre logo now appears during start-up.
    - iOS 12 display issues with duotone icons.
    - Secondary text display issues such as on subscription purchase buttons.
     - iOS 12 compatibility fixes.
       [FIXED]     Kern-based duotone attributed strings fail on iOS 12, use Solid instead.
     - Fix secondary color regression.
       [FIXED]     Full attributed string was adopting secondary color since the check for whether the strokeColor value is present was lost.
     - Retire Xcode 12 work-arounds.
       [IMPROVED]  Fully adopt Xcode 13 now that its RC is out.
     - Premium layout improvements.
       [FIXED]     Secondary color not shown in premium buttons, original stroke alpha shouldn't be preserved secondary theme color relies on alpha.
       [IMPROVED]  Pull test controls for premium up so they aren't missed by testers.
     - Tidy up project files.
       [IMPROVED]  Harmonization of project configuration.
       [REMOVED]   Unused & obsolete asset references.
     - Spectre logo in launch screen.
       [ADDED]     Spectre logo shows briefly in launch screen to indicate why it's empty.
  • build/34-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0, build 34 (beta)
    - Use dark logo as the App Store icon.
     - Fix running on the Simulator: hardened runtime incompatibility.
       [FIXED]     The iOS Simulator has issues running hardened apps, turn it off while debugging on this sim.
     - Switch App Store icon to dark logo for added contrast.
       [UPDATED]   Use Dark Logo as the App Store icon.
     - Skip bump commits in changelog message.
       [IMPROVED]  Bump commits don't contribute to the changelog.
     - Clean up fastlane generated build artifacts.
       [FIXED]     Can't commit version bump with untracked build artifacts in the working tree.
  • build/33-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0, build 33 (beta)
    - Resolve a pasteboard regression which caused items to not get copied.
     - Automatically commit the version bump post release.
       [IMPROVED]  Fastlane automation for source control version bumping.
     - Fix items disappearing from pasteboard.
       [FIXED]     Switch to different pasteboard API since inline item provider creation appears to not work.
  • build/32-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0, build 32 (beta)
    - Initiate migration from Master Password when Spectre has no users yet and Master Password is installed.
    - Log out the user after 3 minutes in the background.
    - Auto-completion for new users from the phone's autofill suggestions.
    - Support for Apple's Universal Clipboard for Handoff users.
    - Choose a favourite home screen icon for the Spectre application.
    - Only allow encrypted outgoing connections.
    - Improve resolving candidates for site previews.
    - Register additional auto-fill candidates for sites.
    - Resolved errors that might appear when logging out while Spectre operations are in progress.
    - Issues with subscription restoration and refresh loops on the subscription page.
    - Disabled toggle items were not properly dimmed.
    - Some threading issues that could cause unexpected behaviour.
    - Incorrect password strength calculation issues for some tokens.
    - Resolved potential crashes of the auto fill extension due to memory pressure when users have a lot of sites.
    - Resolved an issue where icons might display incorrectly when switching from dark to light mode.
     - Avoid errors when calculating results after logout.
       [FIXED]     When user key factory is not available on request, don't initiate spectre result operations.
     - Font Awesome icon fixes.
       [UPDATED]   Switch icons to use icon names instead of icon glyphs to ensure stability across font awesome versions.
       [FIXED]     Updating property bound fonts of attributed strings with mixed fonts.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Reduce extension memory footprint by avoiding loading preview images.
       [UPDATED]   Auto fill extension no longer loads and shows site preview images to reduce impact on memory consumption.
       [IMPROVED]  Preview data storage separates image data from meta data to reduce preview load memory impact while image is not yet necessary.
     - Support for performing build migration actions.
       [FIXED]     Flush old Countly app keys and salts from the request queue so processing can proceed.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Fix activation of alternative app logos when building for Xcode 12.
       [FIXED]     Xcode 12 does not include alternative app icons in asset catalogs.
                   Work-around is to temporarily include Xcode 13 PNGs in the bundle.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Fix a few fastlane issues.
       [FIXED]     verify_xcode thread not properly evaluated.
       [FIXED]     Package.resolved created at project level while Xcode creates it at the workspace level.
     - Update fastlane configuration.
       [UPDATED]   Xcode validation now happens asynchronously to speed up the build.
       [UPDATED]   Swiftlint performs post-build compile analysis instead of static linting (build itself already does lint).
       [ADDED]     Prepare standardized build change notes, uploaded to TestFlight and added to the signed build tag in GIT.
       [ADDED]     Tag all builds with signed notes in GIT and linearly increment the build numbers.
                   Linear build numbers allow builds to be released on multiple streams and provide more stable, reliable, native TestFlight support.
       [UPDATED]   TestFlight builds are now exported for app-store (to fix bitcode association).
       [UPDATED]   Simplified and more standardized Xcode build signing using Development profiles, delegating Ad Hoc and App Store to archive exports.
       [UPDATED]   On-device tests now no longer part of TestFlight release lane since they require ad-hoc exports.
       [UPDATED]   Move fastlane plugins into Fastlane's startard Pluginfile format.
     - Add support for swiftlint and improve codestyle.
       [ADDED]     Swiftlint code lint verification support prior to build.
       [IMPROVED]  Code style improvements throughout the app conform linting rules.
     - Alternative icon support for Xcode 12.5.
       [UPDATED]   Xcode 12.5 does not yet support ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_INCLUDE_ALL_APPICON_ASSETS, so we need to manually specify the alternative icons in Info.plist.
     - Separate Countly instance per target environment.
       [UPDATED]   Use a separate Countly target per environment (development/pilot/public) to keep test data from polluting data from other environments.
     - Use native SVG support if present.
       [REMOVED]   Macaw is a heavy dependency for just SVG icon rendering; remove it in favour of iOS' native CoreSVG support.
     - Remove references to CocoaPods.
       [REMOVED]   CocoaPods is no longer used since it has been replaced with swiftpm
     - Improved error parsing API and tidy up duplicate messages.
       [ADDED]     Improved API for picking out individual pieces of information from errors.
       [FIXED]     Duplicated information in error messages.
     - Improved parsing of site name and url into candidates for preview and autofill.
       [ADDED]     Site preview now supports checking the site URL for assets.
       [UPDATED]   Register AutoFill for the cleaned up site domain name in case the name is not a pure hostname.
       [UPDATED]   Logic for deriving site preview candidates from the site name and url is more sustainable now and always uses https.
       [UPDATED]   SwiftLinkPreview now correctly parses relative image names in HTML.
     - Improved API for handling collections of promises.
       [UPDATED]   Replaced Promise reducing with API for flattening a Collection of Promises into a Promise of a Collection (Array).
                   Now the consumer can apply regular Collection APIs onto the result to do whatever logic they like.
                   This API allows support for Promises that fail and full access to Collection APIs such as filtering.
       [UPDATED]   Instead of the DispatchQueue's sync API, use our await to ensure deadlocks can't happen such as when performing a sync from within a sync.
     - Added ability to choose a favourite Spectre app icon.
       [ADDED]     Ability to set a favourite style for Spectre's app icon.
       [UPDATED]   Slight inner shadow inside effect buttons.
     - Titles sentence case with no final punctuation. Messages/details full sentences with punctuation.
       [UPDATED]   Harmonize error message formatting.
       [UPDATED]   Purge potential personal details from inf/wrn/err level messages.
     - Fix entropy calculation resolving to 0.
       [FIXED]     Decimal NSNumber truncation broken if not rounded.
     - Track autofill appearance and disable insecure connections.
       [FIXED]     Missing appeared event for autofill.
       [UPDATED]   Do not allow unencrypted outgoing connections.
     - Font Awesome style fixes and icon improvements.
       [UPDATED]   Ability to specify font style of icon, performing automatic search if unspecified.
       [FIXED]     Icon for xmark is rendered with excessive spacing in duotone mode, revert to regular.
       [UPDATED]   Use eye icon for mask toggle.
       [FIXED]     When applying a theme to an attributed string's foreground, adjust the theme alpha based on the original.
     - Enable Handoff support as a premium feature.
       [ADDED]     Premium users can enable support for Handoff's Universal Clipboard.
                   This capability is toggleable since it might be considered a security risk.
     - Allow autocompletion of user's full name.
       [UPDATED]   Allow auto-completing the user's name from iOS' contact suggestions.
                   We need a fake username field to consume iOS' username/password autofill heuristics which would otherwise override the .name type on the full name field.
     - Update Font Awesome.
       [UPDATED]   Font Awesome 6.0-beta1 released.
     - Fix potential memory validity race condition.
       [FIXED]     Issue where image pixel data memory might become invalid when used.
     - Several race issues with DispatchQueue.
       [FIXED]     C marshalling API does not support multi-threading, modifying shared pointers from separate threads leads to all sorts of races and illegal memory access.
       [FIXED]     requestItem execution should test self.requestItem - they are can be different.
                   Test requestPromise and self.requestPromise instead: since they're modified together in the requestQueue, they should always be in sync.
       [FIXED]     If requestItem is running, it can't really be cancelled.  This leads to `now` trigerring the item multiple times.
                   If the item is already running, `now` shouldn't cancel it and should just return the existing promise.
       [FIXED]     If the request is cancelled during the item's execution, the item can't be aborted. It must be completed and the result discarded.
                   There is no test for this, other than the requestPromise will already be finished.
                   Instead of testing for this (racy) just finish the promise with `maybe`, discarding the result if it is already finished.
     - Update prop.
       [UPDATED]   Prop should be fixed size and non-generic.
     - Subscription renewal fixes.
       [UPDATED]   On app start-up, refresh the receipt through the store if subscription expired.
                   We want to preserve the features if the subscription period expired but was auto-renewed successfully.
                   So we need to make sure we update the receipt on start-up rather than forcing the user through the premium screen each time their period elapses.
       [FIXED]     Premium screen gets in an update loop when premium is not enabled. Only update on appearance.
                   Side-effect is that the screen needs to be closed and re-opened to force another update, which should only be necessary when toggling the sandbox mode.
     - Fix appearance of disabled toggle items.
       [FIXED]     Toggle items that were disabled did not appear dimmed.
     - Tracker updates.
       [UPDATED]   Prefix standard parameters with their scope.
       [ADDED]     Experimental Stacksift support.
       [FIXED]     Don't restart Sentry if already started.
     - Refactoring.
       [IMPROVED]  Centralize save triggers and failure handling.
       [IMPROVED]  More consistent user view controller validation.
       [UPDATED]   Don't start Countly if in offline mode.
       [UPDATED]   Enable Countly from app extension.
     - Move from CocoaPods to SPM.
       [UPDATED]   Transition away from CocoaPods to Swift Package Manager for dependencies.
     - Logout user if app is in the background for too long.
       [ADDED]     When app stays in the background, log out the user and clear state.
     - Fix class shadowing.
       [FIXED]     Class Operation shadows iOS class Operation.
     - In-app purchase fixes.
       [FIXED]     Regression describing frequency durations as used for subscription offer descriptions.
       [FIXED]     Master Password subscription product was not available due to products array not having been updated.
     - Migrate from Master Password button.
       [ADDED]     When the app is empty and Master Password is installed, show a button offering to migrate a user from Master Password.
     - Bump project version post release.
  • build/31-alpha
    Spectre iOS v3.0, build 31 (alpha)
    - Resolved potential crashes of the auto fill extension due to memory pressure when users have a lot of sites.
      Note: Site preview images will no longer appear in auto-fill.
     - Reduce extension memory footprint by avoiding loading preview images.
       [UPDATED]   Auto fill extension no longer loads and shows site preview images to reduce impact on memory consumption.
       [IMPROVED]  Preview data storage separates image data from meta data to reduce preview load memory impact while image is not yet necessary.
     - Support for performing build migration actions.
       [FIXED]     Flush old Countly app keys and salts from the request queue so processing can proceed.
     - Bump project version post release.
  • build/30-alpha
    Spectre iOS v3.0, build 30 (alpha)
    - Initiate migration from Master Password when Spectre has no users yet and Master Password is installed.
    - Log out the user after 3 minutes in the background.
    - Auto-completion for new users from the phone's autofill suggestions.
    - Support for Apple's Universal Clipboard for Handoff users.
    - Choose a favourite home screen icon for the Spectre application.
    - Only allow encrypted outgoing connections.
    - Improve resolving candidates for site previews.
    - Register additional auto-fill candidates for sites.
    - Issues with subscription restoration and refresh loops on the subscription page.
    - Disabled toggle items were not properly dimmed.
    - Some threading issues that could cause unexpected behaviour.
    - Incorrect password strength calculation issues for some tokens.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Fix activation of alternative app logos when building for Xcode 12.
       [FIXED]     Xcode 12 does not include alternative app icons in asset catalogs.
                   Work-around is to temporarily include Xcode 13 PNGs in the bundle.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Fix a few fastlane issues.
       [FIXED]     verify_xcode thread not properly evaluated.
       [FIXED]     Package.resolved created at project level while Xcode creates it at the workspace level.
     - Update fastlane configuration.
       [UPDATED]   Xcode validation now happens asynchronously to speed up the build.
       [UPDATED]   Swiftlint performs post-build compile analysis instead of static linting (build itself already does lint).
       [ADDED]     Prepare standardized build change notes, uploaded to TestFlight and added to the signed build tag in GIT.
       [ADDED]     Tag all builds with signed notes in GIT and linearly increment the build numbers.
                   Linear build numbers allow builds to be released on multiple streams and provide more stable, reliable, native TestFlight support.
       [UPDATED]   TestFlight builds are now exported for app-store (to fix bitcode association).
       [UPDATED]   Simplified and more standardized Xcode build signing using Development profiles, delegating Ad Hoc and App Store to archive exports.
       [UPDATED]   On-device tests now no longer part of TestFlight release lane since they require ad-hoc exports.
       [UPDATED]   Move fastlane plugins into Fastlane's startard Pluginfile format.
     - Add support for swiftlint and improve codestyle.
       [ADDED]     Swiftlint code lint verification support prior to build.
       [IMPROVED]  Code style improvements throughout the app conform linting rules.
     - Alternative icon support for Xcode 12.5.
       [UPDATED]   Xcode 12.5 does not yet support ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_INCLUDE_ALL_APPICON_ASSETS, so we need to manually specify the alternative icons in Info.plist.
     - Separate Countly instance per target environment.
       [UPDATED]   Use a separate Countly target per environment (development/pilot/public) to keep test data from polluting data from other environments.
     - Use native SVG support if present.
       [REMOVED]   Macaw is a heavy dependency for just SVG icon rendering; remove it in favour of iOS' native CoreSVG support.
     - Remove references to CocoaPods.
       [REMOVED]   CocoaPods is no longer used since it has been replaced with swiftpm
     - Improved error parsing API and tidy up duplicate messages.
       [ADDED]     Improved API for picking out individual pieces of information from errors.
       [FIXED]     Duplicated information in error messages.
     - Improved parsing of site name and url into candidates for preview and autofill.
       [ADDED]     Site preview now supports checking the site URL for assets.
       [UPDATED]   Register AutoFill for the cleaned up site domain name in case the name is not a pure hostname.
       [UPDATED]   Logic for deriving site preview candidates from the site name and url is more sustainable now and always uses https.
       [UPDATED]   SwiftLinkPreview now correctly parses relative image names in HTML.
     - Improved API for handling collections of promises.
       [UPDATED]   Replaced Promise reducing with API for flattening a Collection of Promises into a Promise of a Collection (Array).
                   Now the consumer can apply regular Collection APIs onto the result to do whatever logic they like.
                   This API allows support for Promises that fail and full access to Collection APIs such as filtering.
       [UPDATED]   Instead of the DispatchQueue's sync API, use our await to ensure deadlocks can't happen such as when performing a sync from within a sync.
     - Added ability to choose a favourite Spectre app icon.
       [ADDED]     Ability to set a favourite style for Spectre's app icon.
       [UPDATED]   Slight inner shadow inside effect buttons.
     - Titles sentence case with no final punctuation. Messages/details full sentences with punctuation.
       [UPDATED]   Harmonize error message formatting.
       [UPDATED]   Purge potential personal details from inf/wrn/err level messages.
     - Fix entropy calculation resolving to 0.
       [FIXED]     Decimal NSNumber truncation broken if not rounded.
     - Track autofill appearance and disable insecure connections.
       [FIXED]     Missing appeared event for autofill.
       [UPDATED]   Do not allow unencrypted outgoing connections.
     - Font Awesome style fixes and icon improvements.
       [UPDATED]   Ability to specify font style of icon, performing automatic search if unspecified.
       [FIXED]     Icon for xmark is rendered with excessive spacing in duotone mode, revert to regular.
       [UPDATED]   Use eye icon for mask toggle.
       [FIXED]     When applying a theme to an attributed string's foreground, adjust the theme alpha based on the original.
     - Enable Handoff support as a premium feature.
       [ADDED]     Premium users can enable support for Handoff's Universal Clipboard.
                   This capability is toggleable since it might be considered a security risk.
     - Allow autocompletion of user's full name.
       [UPDATED]   Allow auto-completing the user's name from iOS' contact suggestions.
                   We need a fake username field to consume iOS' username/password autofill heuristics which would otherwise override the .name type on the full name field.
     - Update Font Awesome.
       [UPDATED]   Font Awesome 6.0-beta1 released.
     - Fix potential memory validity race condition.
       [FIXED]     Issue where image pixel data memory might become invalid when used.
     - Several race issues with DispatchQueue.
       [FIXED]     C marshalling API does not support multi-threading, modifying shared pointers from separate threads leads to all sorts of races and illegal memory access.
       [FIXED]     requestItem execution should test self.requestItem - they are can be different.
                   Test requestPromise and self.requestPromise instead: since they're modified together in the requestQueue, they should always be in sync.
       [FIXED]     If requestItem is running, it can't really be cancelled.  This leads to `now` trigerring the item multiple times.
                   If the item is already running, `now` shouldn't cancel it and should just return the existing promise.
       [FIXED]     If the request is cancelled during the item's execution, the item can't be aborted. It must be completed and the result discarded.
                   There is no test for this, other than the requestPromise will already be finished.
                   Instead of testing for this (racy) just finish the promise with `maybe`, discarding the result if it is already finished.
     - Update prop.
       [UPDATED]   Prop should be fixed size and non-generic.
     - Subscription renewal fixes.
       [UPDATED]   On app start-up, refresh the receipt through the store if subscription expired.
                   We want to preserve the features if the subscription period expired but was auto-renewed successfully.
                   So we need to make sure we update the receipt on start-up rather than forcing the user through the premium screen each time their period elapses.
       [FIXED]     Premium screen gets in an update loop when premium is not enabled. Only update on appearance.
                   Side-effect is that the screen needs to be closed and re-opened to force another update, which should only be necessary when toggling the sandbox mode.
     - Fix appearance of disabled toggle items.
       [FIXED]     Toggle items that were disabled did not appear dimmed.
     - Tracker updates.
       [UPDATED]   Prefix standard parameters with their scope.
       [ADDED]     Experimental Stacksift support.
       [FIXED]     Don't restart Sentry if already started.
     - Refactoring.
       [IMPROVED]  Centralize save triggers and failure handling.
       [IMPROVED]  More consistent user view controller validation.
       [UPDATED]   Don't start Countly if in offline mode.
       [UPDATED]   Enable Countly from app extension.
     - Move from CocoaPods to SPM.
       [UPDATED]   Transition away from CocoaPods to Swift Package Manager for dependencies.
     - Logout user if app is in the background for too long.
       [ADDED]     When app stays in the background, log out the user and clear state.
     - Fix class shadowing.
       [FIXED]     Class Operation shadows iOS class Operation.
     - In-app purchase fixes.
       [FIXED]     Regression describing frequency durations as used for subscription offer descriptions.
       [FIXED]     Master Password subscription product was not available due to products array not having been updated.
     - Migrate from Master Password button.
       [ADDED]     When the app is empty and Master Password is installed, show a button offering to migrate a user from Master Password.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Fix Asset Catalog issues on iOS 12.
       [FIXED]     Building for iOS 14 devices caused asset catalog to be incompatible or iOS 12 devices.
     - Main thread fixes.
       [FIXED]     Move some UI API usage onto main thread.
       [FIXED]     Move some heavy API usage off of main thread.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Bump project version post release.
     - Prepare for beta stream build 1.
  • build/7-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.7)
    If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome.
    - Ability to open a site directly from the Spectre app in a web browser, using the site's preview menu.
    - A new Offline Mode allows you to use the app while explicitly disabling any capabilities that use the Internet behind the scenes.
    - A new Colored Sites toggle allows you to disable the site-specific theme adjustments based on the site's personality.
    - When the app deactivates, the UI becomes invisible, hiding sensitive content from the app switcher.
    - When another app foregrounds, the user is logged out to enforce re-authentication to ensure the user is the same when switching back.
    - A refresh of the user interface introduces square elements and a more spacious layout.
    - Updated the site search keyboard to allow for space characters to be entered.
    - Enable Apple's Hardened Runtime for additional runtime memory protections.
    - Opening all URL links in page-based modal browsers.
    - Resolved a potential crash when creating a new Spectre secret with certain character combinations.
    - Users were being miscounted in the analytics code.
    - Resolved several potential issues with the adjustment of scrollable areas to make way for the software keyboard.
    - Resolved an issue that could cause the initially selected site to not display its site image.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/8-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.8)
    If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome.
    - Long-press a user to skip the biometrics sign-in and access the user controls.
    - New tips for recently released in-app features.
    - Cleaned up the user selection UI by removing the badges around the avatar.
    - Users were being miscounted in the analytics code.
    - Potential issues due to UI access off the main thread.
    - Avatars might not show up on iOS 12.
    - Slow performance of secret strength calculator on older devices.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/1-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.1)
    This is a beta release of the new Spectre platform.
    Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
    Master Password algorithm.
    The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
    into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/2-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.2)
    For this build, focus on the following items for your testing:
    - The new user selection screen.
    - The app throughout still behaves as expected.
    If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome.
    - Completely redesigned user selection and sign-in screen, hopefully improving UX.
    - More friendly naming of password classes.
    - Tone of logo and app icon.
    - Size of circles to accomodate dynamically larger text sizes.
    - Ensure toggle items are fully tappable, including on their check box.
    - Notifications could no longer be disabled after the first run.
    - Infinite loop of pop-ups when App Store purchases are enabled but in-app purchases are disabled on the device.
    - Incognito login's full name field was missing its placeholder.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/3-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.3)
    For this build, focus on the following items for your testing:
    - The new user selection screen.
    - The app throughout still behaves as expected.
    If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome.
    - Users can now turn on sharing, causing their user profile to be accessible through file sharing.
    - Premium users can now directly open Spectre users stored in external apps, such as Apple's Files or third-party document storage providers.
    - Update button when a new version is available from the App Store.
    - Contrast improvements in the app's light themes.
    - Sizing of background images in site detail views.
    - Use of screen real-estate while keyboard is up, moving the user toolbar and identicon out into the view. Especially helpful for devices with smaller screens.
    - The site search could cause the app to deadlock due to a race condition.
    - The biometric login feature could fail to save the secret key in the keychain due to a race condition.
    - Wrapping of button titles on small screens.
    - Issues with sizing of the user interface in response to keyboard appearance.
    - Show the correct initial identicon in secret fields.
    - Ability to paste in certain empty fields such as the site URL.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/4-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.4)
    For this build, focus on the following items for your testing:
    - The new user selection screen.
    - The app throughout still behaves as expected.
    If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome.
    - When enabling Autofill from the Settings app, instructions are shown for turning Autofill on in your Spectre user.
    - Keep the user selection screen centered on the current user if that user moves to a different position in the list.
    - Layout of Autofill instructions when no users are enabled yet.
    - An iOS bug could lead to Autofill's user interface to appear empty.
    - Purge Autofill cached user data when users are deleted or have Autofill disabled.
    - Users whose name started with a dot were hidden from the user selection screen.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/5-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.5)
    If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome.
    - Long-press the user's initials button to instantly log out and switch to another user.
    - Access password, login and security question configuration directly by long-pressing the mode button.
    - Start with an initial default site selection to speed up use.
    - Statistics on time-to-crack based on hashing power of the modern Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti vs. a standard bcrypt-10 hash based on the latest and most performant hashcat sta
    - Font Awesome updated and new Biometrics and Open Source icons.
    - Language tweaks for improved clarity.
    - Contrast in theming colours and borders.
    - After deleting a user, all other users may temporarily disappear.
    - Animation of new site cell when changing the search query.
    - Animation of site cells when logging into the user.
    - User interface and icon fixes for iOS 12.
    - Possible crash when exporting user on iPad.
    - Potential to crash during auto fill when user has a lot of sites.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/6-beta
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (beta.6)
    If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions, they are all welcome.
    - A passphrase strength meter when creating a new personal secret.
    - When you prefer masked passwords, we now clean up the UI further and add a new "unmask" button in the site's cell to temporarily reveal a site's password.
    - Reduce the use of gradients.
    - In addition to the site's name, also look at the site's URL field to create auto-fill opportunities.
    - When proposing a new site for a URL, we're now more clever about stripping out the top-level private domain name from it for a better site name suggestion.
    - Password strength calculation now takes English words into account to better estimate against dictionary attacks.
    - Password strength calculation now takes repeating or similar tokens in passwords into account.
    - Site cell user interface has been cleaned up by removing some unnecessary UI.
    - Site cell animations have been improved.
    - Short-circuit interactive AutoFill when target credential is known.
    - Error logging has been improved for additional clarity and details.
    - A potential dead-lock due to threading issues when internal tasks get cancelled.
    - The detail panel's close button now positions itself more safely outside of the space used by the operating system for controls.
    - A possible issue where the layout behaved as if a keyboard was showing when it isn't anymore.
    - Several internal memory leaks, slowing things down over time.
    - AutoFill can no longer use FaceID/TouchID without pulling up its UI.
    - Regression caused items in AutoFill setup flow to go missing.
    - Regression caused the keyboard to no longer affect the layout in the AutoFill UI.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/20-alpha
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (alpha.20)
    This is an alpha release of the new Spectre platform.
    Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
    Master Password algorithm.
    The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
    into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.
    - Reduce the use of gradients.
    - In addition to the site's name, also look at the site's URL field to create auto-fill opportunities.
    - Updated the site search keyboard to allow for space characters to be entered.
    - Resolved a potential crash when creating a new Spectre secret with certain character combinations.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/21-alpha
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (alpha.21)
    This is an alpha release of the new Spectre platform.
    Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
    Master Password algorithm.
    The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
    into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.
    - A new Offline Mode allows you to use the app while explicitly disabling any capabilities that use the Internet behind the scenes.
    - A new Colored Sites toggle allows you to disable the site-specific theme adjustments based on the site's personality.
    - A refresh of the user interface introduces square elements and a more spacious layout.
    - Users were being miscounted in the analytics code.
    - Resolved several potential issues with the adjustment of scrollable areas to make way for the software keyboard.
    - Resolved an issue that could cause the initially selected site to not display its site image.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/22-alpha
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (alpha.22)
    This is an alpha release of the new Spectre platform.
    Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
    Master Password algorithm.
    The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
    into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.
    - Ability to open a site directly from the Spectre app in a web browser, using the site's preview menu.
    - When the app deactivates, the UI becomes invisible, hiding sensitive content from the app switcher.
    - When another app foregrounds, the user is logged out to enforce re-authentication to ensure the user is the same when switching back.
    - New tips for recently released in-app features.
    - Enable Apple's Hardened Runtime for additional runtime memory protections.
    - Opening all URL links in page-based modal browsers.
    - Users were being miscounted in the analytics code.
    - The font size of masked site cells could shrink when re-activating the app.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/3-alpha
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (alpha.3)
    This is an alpha release of the new Spectre platform.
    Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
    Master Password algorithm.
    The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
    into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.
    - Main application theme based on new Spectre homepage.
    - When auto-filling, suggest creating non-existing services.
    - Ability to open a web page in-app and trigger via signed URL request.
    - Ability to trigger an update check via signed URL request.
    - Ability to trigger a store page via signed URL request.
    - Ability to trigger an app review prompt via signed URL request.
    - Subscription receipt validation for locking and unlocking premium features.
    - Zero-PII policy: don't upload any identifiers that could be used for
      unauthenticated user identification.
    - When auto-filling, automatically log-in user if there is only one.
    - Standardized analytics event names and handling.
    - Service preview images now blend better into the theme.
    - Reliability improvements for service preview image loading.
    - Improved handling of changed elements in data sources.
    - Reliability improvements for multithreading.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/4-alpha
    27267062 · 3.0-ios-alpha.4 ·
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (alpha.4)
    This is an alpha release of the new Spectre platform.
    Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
    Master Password algorithm.
    The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
    into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.
    - Log messages can now be copied to the clipboard for easy sharing.
    - Updated nomenclature for algorithm inputs and components.
    Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
    for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
    feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing:
  • build/5-alpha
    eb6ae7d9 · 3.0-ios-alpha.5 ·
    Spectre iOS v3.0 (alpha.5)
    This is an alpha release of the new Spectre platform.
    Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
    Master Password algorithm.
    The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
    into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.
    - Algorithm namespace corrected.