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  • 2.1-appstore2
  • 2.1-appstore1
  • 2.1-b2
  • 2.1-b1
  • 2.1
     • Ability to generate site login names.
     • iCloud support.
     • Faster and more reliable data store.
     • Improved handling of various device sizes and rotation.
     • iOS 8 support.
     • UI tweaks and improvements.
     • Improved typography.
  • 2.0.254-appstore
    b79a744c · Minor type fixes. ·
  • 2.0-appstore-mac
  • 2.0-appstore
    797333d7 · Update logo. ·
  • 2.0
     • Master Password has been completely redesigned with usability and easy access in mind.
  • 1.7
    1c16a0f2 · LoveLyndir & USM fixes. ·
     • Master Password is now part of the Love Lyndir campaign: Available free of charge and open-source to everyone!
     • Improvements to iCloud syncing.
     • Improved stability in some rare cases.
     • Improved stability when logging out and in again a lot.
     • Resolved issues when importing mpsites when the imported user doesn't exist yet.
     • Resolved an issue with the navigation bar overlapping the list of sites in the all-sites pop-up on iOS 7.
  • 1.6
     • Updated for iOS 7.
     • Improved performance and reliability in-app.
     • Improved start-up stability.
     • Ability to migrate sites to and away from iCloud.
     • The UI will now adequately reset when cloud changes are imported that invalidate it.
     • The app's settings can now be reached without the need for logging in, shake the device or hold down long on the feedback/mail icon.
     • From the app's settings, advanced logs can now be found.  From there, you can also switch to an old iCloud store if needed.
     • The emergency generator now starts the counter at 1 by default.
  • 1.3.0
     • Save a login name per site: This allows you to make the application remember your username or email needed for logging into a site.
     • Word wall: When chosing a master password, an animated word wall appears to give you some inspiration.
     • There is now also a CLI and Java version of Master Password.  Also Open Source, of course.  See the website or contact me for more info.
     • Automatically select the latest user on the lock screen when opening the app.
     • Improved support for accessibility and voice-over.
     • The in-app guide is now nicer and cleaner.  One page was missing and is now showing again.
     • Clean up the UI a bit more when a user logs out.
     • Fixed the appearance of a tip when searching for sites.
     • Fixed a few bugs in the logic for importing Master Password exports.
     • Fixed the date stamp in export filenames to use the day-of-month instead of day-of-year.
     • Improved the UI code so the application doesn't hang on start-up if the data store is not yet available.
     • Added versioning of the Master Password algorithm to support automatic and manual site upgrades.
     • Resolved rare but potential application crashes when the passwords screen appears.
     • Resolved an application crash when a cell that isn't a password type is accidentally tapped on the password type selection screen.
     • Made the first-run tooltips a little less persistant.
  • 1.3.1
    6d7a55db · Added "Other Apps". ·
     • Integration with Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
     • Status bar toggling improved resolving a range of interface quirks.
     • Importing a file exported under a different master password.
     • Converting stored passwords when master password changes.
     • Stability improvements related to Core Data and threading.
  • 1.3.2
     • Small improvements for new iOS 6.
     • Resolved an issue when sending a feedback message.
     • Resolved a rare peristence issue.
  • 1.3.3
     • Fixed a critical issue that caused the app to not open anymore on iOS 5.
     • Fixed a few potential crashes.
     • Fixed migration of a site's configured user name.
  • 1.5-appstore
    bf60b9ab · Email/support un news. ·
  • 1.5
     • Updated external dependencies.
  • 1.4-appstore
  • 1.4
    7b1d9b86 · Removed volume button. ·
     • Emergency generator: Shake to generate passwords without logging in.
     • A step-by-step initial setup process.
     • A new animated guide.
     • Much more reliable iCloud integration.
     • Fixes with regards to screen orientation.
     • Reliability improved with regards to threading and data access.
     • More modern integration of social sharing.
     • Subtle UI improvements throughout.
     • Refreshed icon.
     • All-sites now easier to access via modal list on bookmark button.
     • Reduced the size of the app.
     • Sort by recency by default.
     • Font updated to Source Code Pro for clarity.
     • Password prediction in type selection.
     • Give a password strength estimation by time-to-crack.
     • Improved navigation between locked and unlocked state.
     • An upgrade-all button in the all-sites view.
  • 1.0.0-r1