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Spectre iOS v3.0, build 35 (beta)


- Spectre logo now appears during start-up.


- iOS 12 display issues with duotone icons.
- Secondary text display issues such as on subscription purchase buttons.


 - iOS 12 compatibility fixes.
   [FIXED]     Kern-based duotone attributed strings fail on iOS 12, use Solid instead.
 - Fix secondary color regression.
   [FIXED]     Full attributed string was adopting secondary color since the check for whether the strokeColor value is present was lost.
 - Retire Xcode 12 work-arounds.
   [IMPROVED]  Fully adopt Xcode 13 now that its RC is out.
 - Premium layout improvements.
   [FIXED]     Secondary color not shown in premium buttons, original stroke alpha shouldn't be preserved secondary theme color relies on alpha.
   [IMPROVED]  Pull test controls for premium up so they aren't missed by testers.
 - Tidy up project files.
   [IMPROVED]  Harmonization of project configuration.
   [REMOVED]   Unused & obsolete asset references.
 - Spectre logo in launch screen.
   [ADDED]     Spectre logo shows briefly in launch screen to indicate why it's empty.