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/* Program usage: mpiexec -n 1 minsurf1 [-help] [all TAO options] */
/*  Include "petsctao.h" so we can use TAO solvers.  */
#include <petsctao.h>
static char help[] = "This example demonstrates use of the TAO package to \n\
solve an unconstrained minimization problem.  This example is based on a \n\
problem from the MINPACK-2 test suite.  Given a rectangular 2-D domain and \n\
boundary values along the edges of the domain, the objective is to find the\n\
surface with the minimal area that satisfies the boundary conditions.\n\
The command line options are:\n\
  -mx <xg>, where <xg> = number of grid points in the 1st coordinate direction\n\
  -my <yg>, where <yg> = number of grid points in the 2nd coordinate direction\n\
  -start <st>, where <st> =0 for zero vector, and an average of the boundary conditions otherwise \n\n";

   User-defined application context - contains data needed by the
   application-provided call-back routines, FormFunctionGradient()
   and FormHessian().
typedef struct {
  PetscInt   mx, my;                      /* discretization in x, y directions */
  PetscReal *bottom, *top, *left, *right; /* boundary values */
  Mat        H;
} AppCtx;

/* -------- User-defined Routines --------- */

static PetscErrorCode MSA_BoundaryConditions(AppCtx *);
static PetscErrorCode MSA_InitialPoint(AppCtx *, Vec);
static PetscErrorCode QuadraticH(AppCtx *, Vec, Mat);
PetscErrorCode        FormFunctionGradient(Tao, Vec, PetscReal *, Vec, void *);
PetscErrorCode        FormHessian(Tao, Vec, Mat, Mat, void *);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  PetscInt    N;    /* Size of vector */
  PetscMPIInt size; /* Number of processors */
  Vec         x;    /* solution, gradient vectors */
  KSP         ksp;  /*  PETSc Krylov subspace method */
  PetscBool   flg;  /* A return value when checking for user options */
  Tao         tao;  /* Tao solver context */
  AppCtx      user; /* user-defined work context */

  /* Initialize TAO,PETSc */
  PetscCall(PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, (char *)0, help));
  PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size));
  PetscCheck(size == 1, PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_WRONG_MPI_SIZE, "Incorrect number of processors");

  /* Specify default dimension of the problem */

  /* Check for any command line arguments that override defaults */
  PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL, NULL, "-mx", &, &flg));
  PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL, NULL, "-my", &, &flg));
  PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "\n---- Minimum Surface Area Problem -----\n"));
  PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "mx: %" PetscInt_FMT "     my: %" PetscInt_FMT "   \n\n",,;

  /* Calculate any derived values from parameters */

  /* Create TAO solver and set desired solution method  */
  PetscCall(TaoCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, &tao));
  PetscCall(TaoSetType(tao, TAOLMVM));

  /* Initialize minsurf application data structure for use in the function evaluations  */
  PetscCall(MSA_BoundaryConditions(&user)); /* Application specific routine */

     Create a vector to hold the variables.  Compute an initial solution.
     Set this vector, which will be used by TAO.
  PetscCall(VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, N, &x));
  PetscCall(MSA_InitialPoint(&user, x)); /* Application specific routine */
  PetscCall(TaoSetSolution(tao, x));     /* A TAO routine                */

  /* Provide TAO routines for function, gradient, and Hessian evaluation */
  PetscCall(TaoSetObjectiveAndGradient(tao, NULL, FormFunctionGradient, (void *)&user));

  /* Create a matrix data structure to store the Hessian.  This structure will be used by TAO */
  PetscCall(MatCreateSeqAIJ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, N, N, 7, NULL, &user.H));
  PetscCall(MatSetOption(user.H, MAT_SYMMETRIC, PETSC_TRUE));
  PetscCall(TaoSetHessian(tao, user.H, user.H, FormHessian, (void *)&user));

  /* Check for any TAO command line options */

  /* Limit the number of iterations in the KSP linear solver */
  PetscCall(TaoGetKSP(tao, &ksp));
  if (ksp) PetscCall(KSPSetTolerances(ksp, PETSC_DEFAULT, PETSC_DEFAULT, PETSC_DEFAULT, *;


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/*  FormFunctionGradient - Evaluates function and corresponding gradient.

    Input Parameters:
.   tao     - the Tao context
.   X       - input vector
.   userCtx - optional user-defined context, as set by TaoSetFunctionGradient()
    Output Parameters:
.   fcn     - the newly evaluated function
.   G       - vector containing the newly evaluated gradient
PetscErrorCode FormFunctionGradient(Tao tao, Vec X, PetscReal *fcn, Vec G, void *userCtx)
  AppCtx            *user = (AppCtx *)userCtx;
  PetscInt           i, j, row;
  PetscInt           mx = user->mx, my = user->my;
  PetscReal          rhx = mx + 1, rhy = my + 1;
  PetscReal          hx = 1.0 / (mx + 1), hy = 1.0 / (my + 1), hydhx = hy / hx, hxdhy = hx / hy, area = 0.5 * hx * hy, ft = 0;
  PetscReal          f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, xc, xl, xr, xt, xb, xlt, xrb;
  PetscReal          df1dxc, df2dxc, df3dxc, df4dxc, df5dxc, df6dxc;
  PetscReal          zero = 0.0;
  PetscScalar       *g;
  const PetscScalar *x;

  PetscCall(VecSet(G, zero));
  PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(X, &x));
  PetscCall(VecGetArray(G, &g));

  /* Compute function over the locally owned part of the mesh */
  for (j = 0; j < my; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < mx; i++) {
      row = (j)*mx + (i);
      xc  = x[row];
      xlt = xrb = xl = xr = xb = xt = xc;
      if (i == 0) { /* left side */
        xl  = user->left[j + 1];
        xlt = user->left[j + 2];
      } else {
      if (j == 0) { /* bottom side */
        xb  = user->bottom[i + 1];
        xrb = user->bottom[i + 2];
      } else {
      if (i + 1 == mx) { /* right side */
        xr  = user->right[j + 1];
        xrb = user->right[j];
      } else {
      if (j + 1 == 0 + my) { /* top side */
        xt  = user->top[i + 1];
        xlt = user->top[i];
      if (i > 0 && j + 1 < my) xlt = x[row - 1 + mx];
      if (j > 0 && i + 1 < mx) xrb = x[row + 1 - mx];

      d1 = (xc - xl);
      d2 = (xc - xr);
      d3 = (xc - xt);
      d4 = (xc - xb);
      d5 = (xr - xrb);
      d6 = (xrb - xb);
      d7 = (xlt - xl);
      d8 = (xt - xlt);

      df1dxc = d1 * hydhx;
      df2dxc = (d1 * hydhx + d4 * hxdhy);
      df3dxc = d3 * hxdhy;
      df4dxc = (d2 * hydhx + d3 * hxdhy);
      df5dxc = d2 * hydhx;
      df6dxc = d4 * hxdhy;

      d1 *= rhx;
      d2 *= rhx;
      d3 *= rhy;
      d4 *= rhy;
      d5 *= rhy;
      d6 *= rhx;
      d7 *= rhy;
      d8 *= rhx;

      f1 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d1 * d1 + d7 * d7);
      f2 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d1 * d1 + d4 * d4);
      f3 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d3 * d3 + d8 * d8);
      f4 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d3 * d3 + d2 * d2);
      f5 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d2 * d2 + d5 * d5);
      f6 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d4 * d4 + d6 * d6);
      ft = ft + (f2 + f4);

      df1dxc /= f1;
      df2dxc /= f2;
      df3dxc /= f3;
      df4dxc /= f4;
      df5dxc /= f5;
      df6dxc /= f6;

      g[row] = (df1dxc + df2dxc + df3dxc + df4dxc + df5dxc + df6dxc) / 2.0;
  for (j = 0; j < my; j++) { /* left side */
    d3 = (user->left[j + 1] - user->left[j + 2]) * rhy;
    d2 = (user->left[j + 1] - x[j * mx]) * rhx;
    ft = ft + PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d3 * d3 + d2 * d2);
  for (i = 0; i < mx; i++) { /* bottom */
    d2 = (user->bottom[i + 1] - user->bottom[i + 2]) * rhx;
    d3 = (user->bottom[i + 1] - x[i]) * rhy;
    ft = ft + PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d3 * d3 + d2 * d2);
  for (j = 0; j < my; j++) { /* right side */
    d1 = (x[(j + 1) * mx - 1] - user->right[j + 1]) * rhx;
    d4 = (user->right[j] - user->right[j + 1]) * rhy;
    ft = ft + PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d1 * d1 + d4 * d4);
  for (i = 0; i < mx; i++) { /* top side */
    d1 = (x[(my - 1) * mx + i] - user->top[i + 1]) * rhy;
    d4 = (user->top[i + 1] - user->top[i]) * rhx;
    ft = ft + PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d1 * d1 + d4 * d4);
  /* Bottom left corner */
  d1 = (user->left[0] - user->left[1]) * rhy;
  d2 = (user->bottom[0] - user->bottom[1]) * rhx;
  ft += PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);

  /* Top right corner */
  d1 = (user->right[my + 1] - user->right[my]) * rhy;
  d2 = (user->top[mx + 1] - user->top[mx]) * rhx;
  ft += PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);

  /* Restore vectors */
  PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(X, &x));
  PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(G, &g));
  PetscCall(PetscLogFlops(67.0 * mx * my));

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   FormHessian - Evaluates the Hessian matrix.

   Input Parameters:
.  tao  - the Tao context
.  x    - input vector
.  ptr  - optional user-defined context, as set by TaoSetHessian()

   Output Parameters:
.  H    - Hessian matrix
.  Hpre - optionally different preconditioning matrix
.  flg  - flag indicating matrix structure

PetscErrorCode FormHessian(Tao tao, Vec X, Mat H, Mat Hpre, void *ptr)
  AppCtx *user = (AppCtx *)ptr;
  /* Evaluate the Hessian entries*/
  PetscCall(QuadraticH(user, X, H));

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   QuadraticH - Evaluates the Hessian matrix.

   Input Parameters:
.  user - user-defined context, as set by TaoSetHessian()
.  X    - input vector

   Output Parameter:
.  H    - Hessian matrix
PetscErrorCode QuadraticH(AppCtx *user, Vec X, Mat Hessian)
  PetscInt           i, j, k, row;
  PetscInt           mx = user->mx, my = user->my;
  PetscInt           col[7];
  PetscReal          hx = 1.0 / (mx + 1), hy = 1.0 / (my + 1), hydhx = hy / hx, hxdhy = hx / hy;
  PetscReal          rhx = mx + 1, rhy = my + 1;
  PetscReal          f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, xc, xl, xr, xt, xb, xlt, xrb;
  PetscReal          hl, hr, ht, hb, hc, htl, hbr;
  /* Get pointers to vector data */
  PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(X, &x));

  /* Initialize matrix entries to zero */

  /* Set various matrix options */
  PetscCall(MatSetOption(Hessian, MAT_IGNORE_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES, PETSC_TRUE));

  /* Compute Hessian over the locally owned part of the mesh */
  for (i = 0; i < mx; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < my; j++) {
      row = (j)*mx + (i);
      xc  = x[row];
      xlt = xrb = xl = xr = xb = xt = xc;

      /* Left side */
      if (i == 0) {
        xl  = user->left[j + 1];
        xlt = user->left[j + 2];
      } else {
      if (j == 0) {
        xb  = user->bottom[i + 1];
        xrb = user->bottom[i + 2];
      } else {
      if (i + 1 == mx) {
        xr  = user->right[j + 1];
        xrb = user->right[j];
      } else {
      if (j + 1 == my) {
        xt  = user->top[i + 1];
        xlt = user->top[i];
      if (i > 0 && j + 1 < my) xlt = x[row - 1 + mx];
      if (j > 0 && i + 1 < mx) xrb = x[row + 1 - mx];

      d1 = (xc - xl) * rhx;
      d2 = (xc - xr) * rhx;
      d3 = (xc - xt) * rhy;
      d4 = (xc - xb) * rhy;
      d5 = (xrb - xr) * rhy;
      d6 = (xrb - xb) * rhx;
      d7 = (xlt - xl) * rhy;
      d8 = (xlt - xt) * rhx;

      f1 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d1 * d1 + d7 * d7);
      f2 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d1 * d1 + d4 * d4);
      f3 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d3 * d3 + d8 * d8);
      f4 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d3 * d3 + d2 * d2);
      f5 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d2 * d2 + d5 * d5);
      f6 = PetscSqrtScalar(1.0 + d4 * d4 + d6 * d6);

      hl = (-hydhx * (1.0 + d7 * d7) + d1 * d7) / (f1 * f1 * f1) + (-hydhx * (1.0 + d4 * d4) + d1 * d4) / (f2 * f2 * f2);
      hr = (-hydhx * (1.0 + d5 * d5) + d2 * d5) / (f5 * f5 * f5) + (-hydhx * (1.0 + d3 * d3) + d2 * d3) / (f4 * f4 * f4);
      ht = (-hxdhy * (1.0 + d8 * d8) + d3 * d8) / (f3 * f3 * f3) + (-hxdhy * (1.0 + d2 * d2) + d2 * d3) / (f4 * f4 * f4);
      hb = (-hxdhy * (1.0 + d6 * d6) + d4 * d6) / (f6 * f6 * f6) + (-hxdhy * (1.0 + d1 * d1) + d1 * d4) / (f2 * f2 * f2);

      hbr = -d2 * d5 / (f5 * f5 * f5) - d4 * d6 / (f6 * f6 * f6);
      htl = -d1 * d7 / (f1 * f1 * f1) - d3 * d8 / (f3 * f3 * f3);

      hc = hydhx * (1.0 + d7 * d7) / (f1 * f1 * f1) + hxdhy * (1.0 + d8 * d8) / (f3 * f3 * f3) + hydhx * (1.0 + d5 * d5) / (f5 * f5 * f5) + hxdhy * (1.0 + d6 * d6) / (f6 * f6 * f6) + (hxdhy * (1.0 + d1 * d1) + hydhx * (1.0 + d4 * d4) - 2 * d1 * d4) / (f2 * f2 * f2) + (hxdhy * (1.0 + d2 * d2) + hydhx * (1.0 + d3 * d3) - 2 * d2 * d3) / (f4 * f4 * f4);

      hl *= 0.5;
      hr *= 0.5;
      ht *= 0.5;
      hb *= 0.5;
      hbr *= 0.5;
      htl *= 0.5;
      hc *= 0.5;

      k = 0;
      if (j > 0) {
        v[k]   = hb;
        col[k] = row - mx;
      if (j > 0 && i < mx - 1) {
        v[k]   = hbr;
        col[k] = row - mx + 1;
      if (i > 0) {
        v[k]   = hl;
        col[k] = row - 1;
      if (i < mx - 1) {
        v[k]   = hr;
        col[k] = row + 1;
      if (i > 0 && j < my - 1) {
        v[k]   = htl;
        col[k] = row + mx - 1;
      if (j < my - 1) {
        v[k]   = ht;
        col[k] = row + mx;
Satish Balay's avatar
Satish Balay committed
         Set matrix values using local numbering, which was defined
         earlier, in the main routine.
      PetscCall(MatSetValues(Hessian, 1, &row, k, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));
  /* Restore vectors */
  PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(X, &x));

  /* Assemble the matrix */
  PetscCall(MatAssemblyBegin(Hessian, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
  PetscCall(MatAssemblyEnd(Hessian, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
  PetscCall(PetscLogFlops(199.0 * mx * my));

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   MSA_BoundaryConditions -  Calculates the boundary conditions for
   the region.

   Input Parameter:
.  user - user-defined application context

   Output Parameter:
.  user - user-defined application context
static PetscErrorCode MSA_BoundaryConditions(AppCtx *user)
  PetscInt   i, j, k, limit = 0;
  PetscInt   maxits = 5;
  PetscInt   mx = user->mx, my = user->my;
  PetscInt   bsize = 0, lsize = 0, tsize = 0, rsize = 0;
  PetscReal  one = 1.0, two = 2.0, three = 3.0, tol = 1e-10;
  PetscReal  fnorm, det, hx, hy, xt = 0, yt = 0;
  PetscReal  u1, u2, nf1, nf2, njac11, njac12, njac21, njac22;
  PetscReal  b = -0.5, t = 0.5, l = -0.5, r = 0.5;
  PetscReal *boundary;
  bsize = mx + 2;
  lsize = my + 2;
  rsize = my + 2;
  tsize = mx + 2;

  PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(bsize, &user->bottom));
  PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(tsize, &user->top));
  PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(lsize, &user->left));
  PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(rsize, &user->right));

  hx = (r - l) / (mx + 1);
  hy = (t - b) / (my + 1);

  for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
    if (j == 0) {
      yt       = b;
      xt       = l;
      limit    = bsize;
      boundary = user->bottom;
    } else if (j == 1) {
      yt       = t;
      xt       = l;
      limit    = tsize;
      boundary = user->top;
    } else if (j == 2) {
      yt       = b;
      xt       = l;
      limit    = lsize;
      boundary = user->left;
    } else { /*  if (j==3) */
      yt       = b;
      xt       = r;
      limit    = rsize;
      boundary = user->right;
    for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
      u1 = xt;
      u2 = -yt;
      for (k = 0; k < maxits; k++) {
        nf1   = u1 + u1 * u2 * u2 - u1 * u1 * u1 / three - xt;
        nf2   = -u2 - u1 * u1 * u2 + u2 * u2 * u2 / three - yt;
        fnorm = PetscSqrtScalar(nf1 * nf1 + nf2 * nf2);
Satish Balay's avatar
Satish Balay committed
        if (fnorm <= tol) break;
        njac11 = one + u2 * u2 - u1 * u1;
        njac12 = two * u1 * u2;
        njac21 = -two * u1 * u2;
        njac22 = -one - u1 * u1 + u2 * u2;
        det    = njac11 * njac22 - njac21 * njac12;
        u1     = u1 - (njac22 * nf1 - njac12 * nf2) / det;
        u2     = u2 - (njac11 * nf2 - njac21 * nf1) / det;
      boundary[i] = u1 * u1 - u2 * u2;
      if (j == 0 || j == 1) {
        xt = xt + hx;
      } else { /*  if (j==2 || j==3) */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   MSA_InitialPoint - Calculates the initial guess in one of three ways.

   Input Parameters:
.  user - user-defined application context
.  X - vector for initial guess

   Output Parameters:
.  X - newly computed initial guess
static PetscErrorCode MSA_InitialPoint(AppCtx *user, Vec X)
  PetscInt  start = -1, i, j;
  PetscReal zero  = 0.0;
  PetscBool flg;
  PetscCall(VecSet(X, zero));
  PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL, NULL, "-start", &start, &flg));
  if (flg && start == 0) { /* The zero vector is reasonable */
    PetscCall(VecSet(X, zero));
  } else { /* Take an average of the boundary conditions */
    PetscInt   row;
    PetscInt   mx = user->mx, my = user->my;
    PetscReal *x;

Barry Smith's avatar
Barry Smith committed
    /* Get pointers to vector data */
    PetscCall(VecGetArray(X, &x));
    /* Perform local computations */
    for (j = 0; j < my; j++) {
      for (i = 0; i < mx; i++) {
        row    = (j)*mx + (i);
        x[row] = (((j + 1) * user->bottom[i + 1] + (my - j + 1) * user->top[i + 1]) / (my + 2) + ((i + 1) * user->left[j + 1] + (mx - i + 1) * user->right[j + 1]) / (mx + 2)) / 2.0;
    /* Restore vectors */
    PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(X, &x));
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type nls -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      requires: !single

      suffix: 2
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bmrm -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-3
      requires: !single

      suffix: 3
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type lmvm -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-3
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bntr -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bntr -tao_ksp_ew -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bntl -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bntl -tao_ksp_ew -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bnls -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bnls -tao_ksp_ew -tao_bnk_ksp_ew_version 3 -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bntr -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_bnk_max_cg_its 3 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bntl -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_bnk_max_cg_its 3 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bnls -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_bnk_max_cg_its 3 -tao_gatol 1.e-4
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bnls -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_bnk_max_cg_its 3 -tao_gatol 1.e-4 -tao_mf_hessian
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bntr -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4 -tao_mf_hessian
      requires: !single

      suffix: 12
      args: -tao_monitor_short -tao_type bntl -mx 10 -my 8 -tao_gatol 1.e-4 -tao_mf_hessian