Notes from today's meeting at 6 pm GMT, Saturday, November 4, 2023.
@z3z shared an awesome visual celebrating Inkscape's 20-year history on Mastodon
Inkscape Challenge news: @pacer shared that Artist of the Month (AOTM) is going well; more news to come soon
Inkscape Contributor T-Shirts: any previous budget is likely outdated; today, each T-shirt would cost approx. US$30, so an estimate for 50 T-shirts would require a budget of US$1,500. It is still print on demand, but there is a need to have a ceiling budget from the Project Leadership Committee (PLC); next steps will be to confirm who wants one and that they're in a country where delivery is available. Alternative plans can be made to send a T-shirt to contributors. More information can be found in the October 2023 summary notes: #275 (closed)
20th Anniversary: two events will take place on the same day - Saturday, November 18 - the launch of Inkscape 1.3.1 and the online celebration; @pulsar17 will work on a form to invite project contributors at large to register; for the online event, #276 we'll need to find a time to meet and plan. Then we'll need to look at responsibilities for teching, hosting, and interviewing during the celebration - @zigzagmlt will meet with Martin and Pono and anyone else interested to fingure out timeframes. @pacecraft suggested that promotion be broad to encourage creators to create something for the anniversary including some of the physical entries and to present them during the party - they'll work on that and see who's interested in hosting or being a guest; there was an interest / question about having something that lasted all day - to encompass Inkscape's global contributor community; Minimum of a two-hour event with two hosts to be viable; go/no-go date Nov. 11; @pulsar17 offered to be a host! Potential ideas include gathering birthday greetings in different languages from contributors and a map where folks could pinpoint where they are in the world - Pulsar17 is interested in checking out the possibility of a map
Hosts: Pulsar17
Action items:
Pacer will be reviewing and sharing AOTM images for the November vote at his earliest convenience
Moini estimated a T-shirt budget and will find out from Pono if using the platform is a go - TBD
3)Michèle/zigzagmlt will organize a meeting for hosts and those interested in helping out on Nov. 18th Inkscape 20th anniversary celebration by Nov. 8 (or it's a chat on the issue)
Pulsar17 will create an internal contributor form to collect names of those who are interested in being a host or a guest - who might have some stories, questions, and can be called upon and what time they'd be available (using NextCloud) by Nov. 4 for testing and sharing internally once confirmed - chats, mailing list and emails, forum, and then social channels
Pulsar17 will check out the possibility of creating a map to 'map' Inkscape contributors and users