2022-12-08 Untriaged issues requiring initial triage
Hi Triage Team,
Here is a list of the issues that do not meet the triaged criteria in accordance with the Partial triage guidelines, we would like to ask you to follow the wider community issue triaging process as outlined in our handbook.
For the issues triaged please check off the box in front of the given issue.
Once you've triaged all the issues assigned to you, you can unassign and unsubscribe yourself via these quick actions:
/unassign me
When all the checkboxes are done, close the issue, and celebrate!
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384549 (closed) Semgrep Analyzer rules are older than sast-rules. automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopssecure, groupstatic analysis, sectionsec
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384547 (closed) Gitlab Import: couldn't get curloptResolve config: resolved address has invalid IPv4/IPv6 address. automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsmanage, ~"group::import", sectiondev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384546 (closed) Displaying "null" as title for Podcast with Airsonic-Advanced automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsmanage, ~"group::import", sectiondev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384535 (closed) Can't "Reduce repository size" after force-pushing a truncated repo automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopscreate, groupsource code, sectiondev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384728 Replies to internal notes are marked as not being confidential automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsplan, groupproject management, sectiondev
gitlab-org/gitlab#384600 (closed)
artifacts should be rendered immediately when their job generates them (instead of waiting) for the pipeline to finish automation:self-triage-encouraged - gitlab-org/gitlab#384579 (closed) JSON Table: Inconsistent sorting of values starting with a number and containing punctuation marks automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, ~"group::memory"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384960 Detect git pull/clone audit event? Category:Audit Events, automation:self-triage-encouraged, groupgitaly
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384564 (closed) Mention "Allowing requests to the local network" as possible requirement for Package Registry automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, customer, documentation, ~"group::package"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384562 Forcing acceptation of Terms of service breaks OAuth authentification automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsplan, groupproduct planning, sectiondev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384557 gitlab-backup: already initialized constant Gitlab::Instrumentation::Redis::ActionCable automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, rake tasks, real-time, sectiondev, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384553 (closed) I am not able to get any api to update multiple variables in scheduled pipeline automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384880 In-code code review comments automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopscreate, groupsource code, sectiondev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384877 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384851 MR diff view: clicking on a file (to jump there) does nothing when the file is already selected automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopscreate, groupcode review, sectiondev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384849 Installing gitlab-runner w/ gitlab-agent, namespace doesn't change regardless Category:Kubernetes Management, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopssystems, ~"section::enablement"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384922 Error during exec automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsplan, groupproject management, sectiondev
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384921 (closed) Grafana crashing when using external InfluxDB data source automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsfulfillment, groupprovision, sectionfulfillment
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384920 (closed) Docs feedback: Write your title automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, sectionops
- gitlab-org/gitlab#384919 Feature: "ruleset" for rules composability automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, sectionops
Job URL: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops/-/jobs/3442004148
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