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Support Project Avatar removal in REST API

  1. Aug 23, 2022
    • Timo Furrer's avatar
      Support Project Avatar removal in REST API · d612f34e
      Timo Furrer authored
      This change set adds support to remove project avatars using the REST
      API, much like it's already possible for the [Topics
      To support this I've changed the `POST | PUT /projects` endpoint to be
      handled by workhorse. Can someone with more experience and the big
      picture verify this particular part of the change? Is this something
      which makes sense? Is it implemented correctly?
      If this is the case and all looks good with the Projects API here, I'll
      also implement similar changes to the other `Avatarable` endpoints, like
      Groups and Users.
      Changelog: added
      MR: !92604