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Commits on Source (13)
# [103.4.0]( (2024-11-22)
### Features
* **Drawer:** Apply suggestions ([fca336a](
* **Drawer:** Cleanup apply and classes ([de760bf](
* **Drawer:** Update design tokens ([34dc4c5](
* **StatusTokens:** Update status icon token values ([5005220](
# [103.3.0]( (2024-11-19)
"name": "@gitlab/ui",
"version": "103.3.0",
"version": "103.4.0",
"description": "GitLab UI Components",
"license": "MIT",
"main": "dist/index.js",
......@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ $gl-drawer-width: 400px;
$gl-sidebar-width: 290px;
$gl-drawer-scrim-gradient: linear-gradient(
to bottom,
.gl-drawer {
background-color: var(--drawer-variant-bg-color);
@apply gl-bg-overlap;
right: 0;
@apply gl-transition-all;
position: fixed;
......@@ -21,14 +21,13 @@ $gl-drawer-scrim-gradient: linear-gradient(
@apply gl-flex-col;
.gl-drawer-header-sticky {
background-color: var(--drawer-variant-bg-color);
@apply gl-bg-overlap;
top: 0;
position: sticky;
.gl-drawer-default {
--drawer-variant-bg-color: var(--gl-background-color-default);
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
width: $gl-drawer-width;
......@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ $gl-drawer-scrim-gradient: linear-gradient(
.gl-drawer-sidebar {
--drawer-variant-bg-color: var(--gl-background-color-subtle);
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
width: $gl-sidebar-width;
......@@ -60,8 +58,8 @@ $gl-drawer-scrim-gradient: linear-gradient(
.gl-drawer-footer {
@apply gl-border-t-solid gl-border-t-1;
border-top-color: var(--gl-border-color-default);
@apply gl-bg-overlap;
@apply gl-border-t;
@apply gl-p-5;
......@@ -80,14 +78,12 @@ $gl-drawer-scrim-gradient: linear-gradient(
.gl-drawer-footer-sticky {
background-color: var(--drawer-variant-bg-color);
bottom: 0;
position: sticky;
.gl-drawer-header {
@apply gl-border-b-solid gl-border-b-1;
border-bottom-color: var(--gl-border-color-default);
@apply gl-border-b;
.gl-drawer-title {
......@@ -130,8 +126,7 @@ $gl-drawer-scrim-gradient: linear-gradient(
.gl-drawer-body > * {
@apply gl-border-b-solid gl-border-b-1;
border-bottom-color: var(--gl-border-color-default);
@apply gl-border-b;
&:last-child {
@apply gl-border-none;
......@@ -751,19 +751,19 @@
--gl-shadow-color-default: var(--gl-color-alpha-dark-40); /* Used for the default shadow color. */
--gl-status-neutral-background-color: var(--gl-color-neutral-800); /* Used for the background of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state. */
--gl-status-neutral-text-color: var(--gl-color-neutral-200); /* Used for the text of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state. */
--gl-status-neutral-icon-color: var(--gl-color-neutral-400); /* Used for the icon of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state. */
--gl-status-neutral-icon-color: var(--gl-color-neutral-300); /* Used for the icon of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state. */
--gl-status-info-background-color: var(--gl-color-blue-800); /* Used for the background of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress. */
--gl-status-info-text-color: var(--gl-color-blue-200); /* Used for the text of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress. */
--gl-status-info-icon-color: var(--gl-color-blue-400); /* Used for the icon of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress. */
--gl-status-info-icon-color: var(--gl-color-blue-300); /* Used for the icon of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress. */
--gl-status-success-background-color: var(--gl-color-green-800); /* Used for the background of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation. */
--gl-status-success-text-color: var(--gl-color-green-200); /* Used for the text of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation. */
--gl-status-success-icon-color: var(--gl-color-green-400); /* Used for the icon of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation. */
--gl-status-success-icon-color: var(--gl-color-green-300); /* Used for the icon of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation. */
--gl-status-warning-background-color: var(--gl-color-orange-800); /* Used for the background of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item. */
--gl-status-warning-text-color: var(--gl-color-orange-200); /* Used for the text of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item. */
--gl-status-warning-icon-color: var(--gl-color-orange-400); /* Used for the icon of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item. */
--gl-status-warning-icon-color: var(--gl-color-orange-300); /* Used for the icon of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item. */
--gl-status-danger-background-color: var(--gl-color-red-800); /* Used for the background of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition. */
--gl-status-danger-text-color: var(--gl-color-red-200); /* Used for the text of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition. */
--gl-status-danger-icon-color: var(--gl-color-red-400); /* Used for the icon of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition. */
--gl-status-danger-icon-color: var(--gl-color-red-300); /* Used for the icon of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition. */
--gl-status-brand-background-color: var(--gl-color-purple-900); /* Used for the background of a brand-related status item when highlighting the state of unique features or elements specific to the GitLab brand identity. Helps distinguish and emphasize brand-specific elements within the interface. */
--gl-status-brand-text-color: var(--gl-color-purple-300); /* Used for the text of a brand-related status item when highlighting the state of unique features or elements specific to the GitLab brand identity. Helps distinguish and emphasize brand-specific elements within the interface. */
--gl-status-brand-icon-color: var(--gl-color-purple-500); /* Used for the icon of a brand-related status item when highlighting the state of unique features or elements specific to the GitLab brand identity. Helps distinguish and emphasize brand-specific elements within the interface. */
......@@ -667,10 +667,10 @@ export const GL_LINK_MENTION_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT = '#9dc7f1';
export const GL_LINK_MENTION_TEXT_COLOR_CURRENT = '#f5d9a8';
export const GL_PROGRESS_BAR_TRACK_COLOR = '#4c4b51';
export const GL_SKELETON_LOADER_SHIMMER_COLOR = '#4c4b51';
......@@ -921,19 +921,19 @@ export const GL_LINE_HEIGHT_52 = '3.25rem';
export const GL_SHADOW_COLOR_DEFAULT = 'rgba(05, 05, 06, 0.4)';
export const GL_STATUS_NEUTRAL_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#3a383f';
export const GL_STATUS_NEUTRAL_TEXT_COLOR = '#bfbfc3';
export const GL_STATUS_NEUTRAL_ICON_COLOR = '#89888d';
export const GL_STATUS_NEUTRAL_ICON_COLOR = '#a4a3a8';
export const GL_STATUS_INFO_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#064787';
export const GL_STATUS_INFO_TEXT_COLOR = '#9dc7f1';
export const GL_STATUS_INFO_ICON_COLOR = '#428fdc';
export const GL_STATUS_INFO_ICON_COLOR = '#63a6e9';
export const GL_STATUS_SUCCESS_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#0d532a';
export const GL_STATUS_SUCCESS_TEXT_COLOR = '#91d4a8';
export const GL_STATUS_SUCCESS_ICON_COLOR = '#2da160';
export const GL_STATUS_SUCCESS_ICON_COLOR = '#52b87a';
export const GL_STATUS_WARNING_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#703800';
export const GL_STATUS_WARNING_TEXT_COLOR = '#e9be74';
export const GL_STATUS_WARNING_ICON_COLOR = '#c17d10';
export const GL_STATUS_WARNING_ICON_COLOR = '#d99530';
export const GL_STATUS_DANGER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#8d1300';
export const GL_STATUS_DANGER_TEXT_COLOR = '#fcb5aa';
export const GL_STATUS_DANGER_ICON_COLOR = '#ec5941';
export const GL_STATUS_DANGER_ICON_COLOR = '#f6806d';
export const GL_STATUS_BRAND_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#2f2a6b';
export const GL_STATUS_BRAND_TEXT_COLOR = '#ac93e6';
export const GL_STATUS_BRAND_ICON_COLOR = '#7b58cf';
......@@ -14818,7 +14818,7 @@
"indicator": {
"color": {
"default": {
"$value": "#428fdc",
"$value": "#63a6e9",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the indicator color for the primary progress-bar variant.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/contextual/progress-bar.tokens.json",
......@@ -14838,7 +14838,7 @@
"success": {
"$value": "#2da160",
"$value": "#52b87a",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the indicator color for the success progress-bar variant.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/contextual/progress-bar.tokens.json",
......@@ -14858,7 +14858,7 @@
"warning": {
"$value": "#c17d10",
"$value": "#d99530",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the indicator color for the warning progress-bar variant.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/contextual/progress-bar.tokens.json",
......@@ -14878,7 +14878,7 @@
"danger": {
"$value": "#ec5941",
"$value": "#f6806d",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the indicator color for the danger progress-bar variant.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/contextual/progress-bar.tokens.json",
......@@ -21163,7 +21163,7 @@
"icon": {
"color": {
"$value": "#89888d",
"$value": "#a4a3a8",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/status.tokens.json",
......@@ -21171,7 +21171,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{color.neutral.500}",
"dark": "{color.neutral.400}"
"dark": "{color.neutral.300}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state."
......@@ -21240,7 +21240,7 @@
"icon": {
"color": {
"$value": "#428fdc",
"$value": "#63a6e9",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/status.tokens.json",
......@@ -21248,7 +21248,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress."
......@@ -21317,7 +21317,7 @@
"icon": {
"color": {
"$value": "#2da160",
"$value": "#52b87a",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/status.tokens.json",
......@@ -21325,7 +21325,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation."
......@@ -21394,7 +21394,7 @@
"icon": {
"color": {
"$value": "#c17d10",
"$value": "#d99530",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/status.tokens.json",
......@@ -21402,7 +21402,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item."
......@@ -21471,7 +21471,7 @@
"icon": {
"color": {
"$value": "#ec5941",
"$value": "#f6806d",
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition.",
"filePath": "src/tokens/status.tokens.json",
......@@ -21479,7 +21479,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition."
......@@ -21171,7 +21171,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{color.neutral.500}",
"dark": "{color.neutral.400}"
"dark": "{color.neutral.300}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state."
......@@ -21248,7 +21248,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress."
......@@ -21325,7 +21325,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation."
......@@ -21402,7 +21402,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item."
......@@ -21479,7 +21479,7 @@
"original": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition."
......@@ -749,19 +749,19 @@ $gl-icon-color-success: $gl-color-green-300; // Used for an icon associated with
$gl-shadow-color-default: $gl-color-alpha-dark-40; // Used for the default shadow color.
$gl-status-neutral-background-color: $gl-color-neutral-800; // Used for the background of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state.
$gl-status-neutral-text-color: $gl-color-neutral-200; // Used for the text of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state.
$gl-status-neutral-icon-color: $gl-color-neutral-400; // Used for the icon of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state.
$gl-status-neutral-icon-color: $gl-color-neutral-300; // Used for the icon of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state.
$gl-status-info-background-color: $gl-color-blue-800; // Used for the background of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress.
$gl-status-info-text-color: $gl-color-blue-200; // Used for the text of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress.
$gl-status-info-icon-color: $gl-color-blue-400; // Used for the icon of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress.
$gl-status-info-icon-color: $gl-color-blue-300; // Used for the icon of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress.
$gl-status-success-background-color: $gl-color-green-800; // Used for the background of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation.
$gl-status-success-text-color: $gl-color-green-200; // Used for the text of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation.
$gl-status-success-icon-color: $gl-color-green-400; // Used for the icon of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation.
$gl-status-success-icon-color: $gl-color-green-300; // Used for the icon of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation.
$gl-status-warning-background-color: $gl-color-orange-800; // Used for the background of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item.
$gl-status-warning-text-color: $gl-color-orange-200; // Used for the text of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item.
$gl-status-warning-icon-color: $gl-color-orange-400; // Used for the icon of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item.
$gl-status-warning-icon-color: $gl-color-orange-300; // Used for the icon of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item.
$gl-status-danger-background-color: $gl-color-red-800; // Used for the background of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition.
$gl-status-danger-text-color: $gl-color-red-200; // Used for the text of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition.
$gl-status-danger-icon-color: $gl-color-red-400; // Used for the icon of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition.
$gl-status-danger-icon-color: $gl-color-red-300; // Used for the icon of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition.
$gl-status-brand-background-color: $gl-color-purple-900; // Used for the background of a brand-related status item when highlighting the state of unique features or elements specific to the GitLab brand identity. Helps distinguish and emphasize brand-specific elements within the interface.
$gl-status-brand-text-color: $gl-color-purple-300; // Used for the text of a brand-related status item when highlighting the state of unique features or elements specific to the GitLab brand identity. Helps distinguish and emphasize brand-specific elements within the interface.
$gl-status-brand-icon-color: $gl-color-purple-500; // Used for the icon of a brand-related status item when highlighting the state of unique features or elements specific to the GitLab brand identity. Helps distinguish and emphasize brand-specific elements within the interface.
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"color": {
"$value": {
"default": "{color.neutral.500}",
"dark": "{color.neutral.400}"
"dark": "{color.neutral.300}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a neutral status item when the status is neither positive nor negative, or when indicating a special but stable state."
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"color": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of an informational status item when indicating a noteworthy ongoing condition or a state of active progress."
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"color": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a success status item when indicating a positive outcome, completion, or desired state. Clearly conveys a positive connotation."
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"color": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a warning status item when indicating a state that requires heightened awareness or caution, but is not necessarily problematic. Represents a state that warrants extra attention or care when interacting with the item."
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
"color": {
"$value": {
"default": "{}",
"dark": "{}"
"dark": "{}"
"$type": "color",
"$description": "Used for the icon of a danger status item when indicating a critical or severely problematic current state. Clearly conveys a negative connotation, representing a serious, ongoing issue or undesired condition."
......@@ -3692,6 +3692,11 @@
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