Ultimate User Request for source code of LGPL-licensed components in GitLab Advanced SAST
Problem Statement
What is the problem?
We need a formal process for handling these type of requests. They are legal requests, so we have to handle them very specifically. Atm we are using myself as a "stopgap" for them
Why is this a problem?
- Bus factor of 1 is never good
- I am not always available (try as hard as I might)
A more detailed gameplan can be found here
- Make a ZD app to automate the checks and replies as much as possible
- Leverage Dev Pulse to use "RFH" style waiting
So the SE would use the app to process it, once all checks are done it would make a legal issue and "Dev Pulse" that issue. SE gets reply from legal, sends messaging back to user in ticket (much akin to how RFHs work).
Jason Colyer will act as the DRI for this issue.
Required Resources
- Readiness development
- Communication to Support
Potential Roadblocks/Things to consider
Desired Outcome
What does success look like?
SEs have a simple process to follow for these tickets that aligns with current working styles.