@cynthia I had some spare time today so I added a few questions. 2 of the questions I've put in are getting technical and they are all self managed focused, I just wanted to check in with you if that was okay with you? We could do something similar for GitLab.com SAML as well?
It's been a while since I've done a training module quiz so I don't really have reference for what the questions should look like. Its not like I can take a look at other module quizzes for inspiration either
I'm still pondering on a few more questions and I can add more when I have another free moment.
I added periods at the end of some of the options so it's consistent and slightly edited one of the questions so it's a little clear what we're looking for (otherwise, a blank could be asking for anything)
I'm thinking of 8-10 questions. We currently have 6 and I can add at least 1 that is more common in SaaS, but they're fairly similar in how we troubleshoot.
If you can think of any more, 1 more would be great, but otherwise, I'm happy to finish filling it in.