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Add career random greenhouse job post API

Javier Garcia requested to merge jg-events-careers-api into main

Step 1: What is changing in this MR?

On each build, it will generate at most 5 jobs from the specified family via Greenhouse API:

If that job family doesn't have any open roles, it will list random five values from that API


  • This is manually updated and takes time to maintain
  • This content can get stale as the job postings can change over time
    • This can lead to pages linking to job posts that are no longer active
  • We are duplicating content
  • Creates consistency between how the job is displayed on our site the job board itself

We already use the greenhouse API in www in a few places seen here in pages such as

Alternative suggestion: If we don't like the random job posts, we could ping the greenhouse API differently by referencing individual posts. On the front end, we could pass an array of job post IDs, and then ping that API for those values. If the job posting is changed or gets pulled down, the next successful production build would resolve that by reflecting those changes.

Edited by Javier Garcia

Merge request reports