Future ideas for various enhancements to product localization process
- Deeper and more granular localizability research (already started in this epic and some issues underneath: Improve localizability of product UI text (&32))
- Tooling to intercept localizability issues (aka i18n code scan, Lingoport-style)
- Crowdin Context Harvester powered by AI (already logged here, and kicked off partially via this MR: Add code references to the `gitlab.pot` file (gitlab-org/gitlab!166898 - closed))
- In-context on-page (on staging?) translation for instant feedback loops on quality (to build on top of the original idea in Use Crowdin In-Context localization for web apps (gitlab-org/gitlab#26262))
- Engaging and recognizing translators and proofreaders from the wider community (somewhat started in Track wider community contributions to GitLab p... (#242) and Engaging the wider community translators and pr... (#56))
- Keeping key languages [DE, FR, JA, ES. PT, IT] at 100% completion level with the help of professional agency / language service provider (Argos Multilingual)
- Provide maintained and usable glossary to translators (to be kicked off with Argos Multilingual, and sync efforts with Translated and the implementation of the terminology management system).
- Engage the wider community in contributing to glossary refinement (not started): Improve the Crowdin glossary (#233)
- Update the Handbook and product documentation on all of the above (not started).
- Create an automatable the style guide (cc @mchrastek-ext for input)
- Sync glossaries with term removals. Example.
Edited by Oleksandr Pysaryuk