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Prioritized labels 20

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  • DBRE Headroom / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    One off label to track database headroom work for the DBRE team
  • RootCauseConfig-Change / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a configuration change (a change other than a feature flag being toggled)
  • changescheduled / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Change plans that are ready and scheduled for execution. See
  • incident / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
  • oncall report / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
  • IncidentActive / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Indicates that the incident labeled is active and ongoing.
  • review-requested / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Indicates that that the incident would benefit from undergoing additional review. All S1 incidents are required to have a review. Additionally, anyone including the EOC can request an incident review on any severity issue. Although the review will help to derive corrective actions, it is expected that corrective actions are filled whether or not a review is requested. If an incident does not have any corrective actions, this is probably a good reason to request a review for additional discussion.
  • IncidentMitigated / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Indicates that the incident has been mitigated, but immediate post-incident activity may be ongoing (monitoring, messaging, etc.)
  • RootCauseExternal-Dependency / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Denotes a precipitating root cause resulting from the failure of a dependency external to GitLab, including various service providers.
  • changein-progress / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    This label indicates that a change from a Change Management issue is in progress.
  • IncidentResolved / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Resolved - Indicates that SRE engagement with the incident has ended and is fully operational.
  • RootCauseFeature-Flag / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a feature flag toggled in some way (off or on or a new percentage or target was chosen for the feature flag)
  • RootCauseMalicious-Traffic / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of deliberate malicious activity targeted at GitLab or customers of GitLab (e.g. DDoS)
  • IncidentReview-Scheduled / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Review-Scheduled Indicates that an incident review writeup is required (S1/S2) or requested and that the review has been added to the agenda for an upcoming review meeting.
  • RootCauseRelease-Compatibility / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of forward- or backwards-compatibility issues between subsequent releases of the software running concurrently, and sharing state, in a single environment (ie, Canary and Main stage releases)
  • IncidentReview-Completed / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Review-Completed Indicates that an incident review writeup has been completed (the review was discussed in a review meeting and all notes from that meeting have been added to the review write-up).
  • RootCauseSPoF / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of the failure of a service or component which is an architectural SPoF (Single Point of Failure)
  • RootCauseSaturation / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a failure resulting from a service or component which failed to scale in response to increasing demand (whether or not it was expected)
  • RootCauseSoftware-Change / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a feature or other code change
  • RootCauseSecurity / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    an incident where the SIRT team was engaged, generally via a request originating from the SIRT team or in a situation where Reliability has paged SIRT to assist in the mitigation of an incident not caused by `~RootCause::Malicious-Traffic`
  • Labels 4,004

  • Work relating to Slippers Design System for Marketing Website
  • mktgdone
    Access Request provisioning completed
  • mktgto do
    Access Request pending provisioning from MarketingOps
  • mktgops-paper-cuts
    This label is used for small marketing ops tasks and initiatives that can cause annoyance or frustration for us and/or our users. Issues with this label are generally not time-sensitive, can be completed in a single milestone, and have the potential to improve efficiency, collaboration, and/or how we support our stakeholders.
  • monetary-support
    ESG montary support requests
  • mongodb / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
  • monitoring / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    I'm watching you!
  • monthly release pipeline / GitLab Infrastructure Team
    Issues required to introduce a monthly release pipeline &1076
  • moved 1 / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Issues moved from a previous WoW to the current
  • nasdaq
    issues related to our listing contract with Nasdaq
  • network / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
  • new patch release process / GitLab Infrastructure Team
    Used to identify issues for &968
  • new-job-family
    Used by L&D team to track new job families and update related fields in the EdCast LXP
  • new-service / GitLab Infrastructure Team
  • noise / GitLab Infrastructure Team / Production
    Unpleasant or disruptive work that hinders perception of an expected signal, adds no value, and should be suppressed or automated
  • offboarding
    created by BT for the group (other label is only project level and doesn't inherit)