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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.15.3
    8d22c937 · Prepare v1.15.3 ·
    Upgrade dependencies
  • v1.15.2
    1d13118e · Prepare v1.15.2 ·
    Do not allow empty `title:` header field
  • v1.15.1
    c7b5bf4c · Prepare v1.15.1 ·
    Win installer: correct path for new notes
    This release corrects a regression introduced with v1.15.0:
    Under Windows the context menu entry "New Tp-Note" did not
    work because the path to the binary was not updated.
  • v1.15.0
    175204b8 · Prepare v1.15.0 ·
    Rename binaries and installer packages to `tpnote`
    This closes:
    [shorter binary name · Issue #7 · getreu/tp-note](
  • v1.14.4
    fc9ea7b4 · Prepare v1.14.4 ·
    New flag `--tty` to force console mode
    when it is not detected automatically.
    See manual page for details.
  • v1.14.3
    e4eb1324 · Prepare v1.14.3 ·
    Minor bug fix: allow empty stem in file names
    The bug fix in this release concerns the foreign file annotation feature
    that raised a panic when annotating a file, whose filename contains en
    empty file stem, e.g.: `306.pdf`. In this example, the number represents
    the _sort tag_ of the filename, while `.pdf` is its file extension. The
    file stem, the part in between, is the empty string.
    This release parses those filenames correctly. It also completes the
    migration to the `*.txt` file extension as default for Tp-Note (started
    in v1.14.0): All functional tests are finally updated and should pass
    This release also fixes a minor conditional compilation issue introduced
    with v1.14.0: some combination of optional features did not compile due
    to missing imports.
  • v1.14.2
    06df7cfe · Prepare v1.14.2 ·
    Improve corner case error handling
  • v1.14.1
    802e4228 · Prepare v1.14.1 ·
    Add more non-fatal error types
  • v1.14.0
    f24c0587 · Prepare v1.14.0 ·
    Tp-Note's default filename extension is now `.txt`
    This change only concerns the creation of new notes. Existing notes with
    ending `*.md` can be opened and edited as before.
    If you prefer the previous behaviour, set the following in Tp-Note's
    configuration file:
       extension_default = 'md'
       missing_header_disables = false'
  • v1.13.10
    c1d8b15c · Prepare v1.13.10 ·
    Improve error msg for --export
  • v1.13.9
    56f48b31 · Prepare v1.13.9 ·
    Win: add context menu entry "Export Tp-Note"
  • v1.13.8
    0f23a28a · prepare v1.13.8 ·
    refactor build environment
  • v1.13.7
    19807ce8 · prepare v1.13.7 ·
    add basic Wikitext support
  • v1.13.6
    b56404aa · prepare v1.13.6 ·
    print used config file path with `--version`
  • v1.13.5
    94668d00 · prepare v1.13.5 ·
    new config feature: delay the browser/editor start
  • v1.13.4
    f075dfb6 · prepare v1.13.4 ·
    fix a regression introduced with commit 9607745
    First runs of newly installed Tp-Note binaries will create missing
    directories in the configuration file path again. This regression was
    introduced with commit 9607745.
    This release also slightly changes the filename generation of new note
    files by upgrading the dependency `sanitize-filename-reader-friendly` to
    version 2.1.1. Now the Unicode character U+200b (non-printing space) is
    also filtered when sanitizing filenames.
  • v1.13.3
    86c68dee · prepare v1.13.3 ·
    make sort-tag scheme configurable
    Besides some dependency migration and refactoring
    of the configuration file format, this release
    allows to implement/configure your own sort-tag scheme
    (cf. variables `[filename] sort_tag_chars` and
    `[filename] sort_tag_extra_separator`.
  • v1.13.2
    226d050d · prepare v1.13.2 ·
    group configuration file variables
  • v1.13.1
    69101c03 · prepare v1.13.1 ·
    allow keeping notes in a separate dir
  • v1.13.0
    c548813d · prepare v1.13.0 ·
    default config: launch browser in private mode