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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.3.2
    eea5e5a8 · prepare v1.3.2 ·
    bugfix: do not panic when no clipboard data
  • v1.2.1
    e044c96f · prepare v1.2.1 ·
    avoid double ` ` and `_ ` in note's filename
    * extend sanitize-function to filter
      double space and underscore
    * outsource the `sanitize`-filename function in its own crate:
  • v1.2.0
    bbb3f5e7 · add cd pipeline ·
    add error popup windows for Linux and iOS
  • v1.1.0
    default templates: use international date format
  • v1.0.0
    adc8279f · prepare v1.0.0 ·
    fast note taking with templates and filename sync
    Tp-Note is a note-taking-tool and a template system, that consistently
    synchronizes the note’s meta-data with its filename. Tp-Note collects
    various information about its environment and the clipboard and stores
    them in variables. New notes are created by filling these variables in
    predefined and customizable Tera-templates. In case “<path>” points to
    an existing “Tp-Note”-file, the note’s meta-data is analysed and, if
    necessary, its filename is modified. For all other file types, Tp-Note
    creates a new note that annotates the file “<path>” points to. If
    “<path>” is a directory (or, when omitted the current working
    directory), a new note is created in that directory. After creation,
    Tp-Note launches an external text editor of your choice. Although the
    note’s structure follows “pandoc”-conventions, it is not tied to any
    specific markup language.
    After the user finished editing, Tp-Note analyses eventual changes in
    the notes meta-data and renames, if necessary, the file, so that its
    meta-data and filename are in sync again.
    First stable release