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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.21.9
    Maintenance release, no new features
    * Docs updated
    * `atty` crate dependency removed
  • v1.21.8
    d64400bf · Prepare `tpnote` v1.21.8 ·
    Windows: default file extension is `.md`
    Recent versions of `notepad` can deal with `.md` files. From this release on,
    all created note files on all platforms have `.md` extension.
    Configuration file: the variables `app_args.*` interpret
    `{{ get_env(name="<ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE>") }}` as templates variable.
  • v1.21.7
    Maintenance release: improve the natural language detection speed
    Maintenance release:
    * Improve the natural language detection speed
    * Reduce the binary size by 20%
    * Improve the test harnesses
  • v1.21.6
    Add compilation feature `lang-detection`
  • v1.21.5
    Rename the root dir marker `.tpnoteroot`; Add pseudo lang. tag `+all`
    * Breaking change: rename root directory marker file from `.tpnoteroot` to
    * Allow optional project specific configuration data in `.tpnote.toml`.
      Tp-Note will source the configuration for all note file in all subdirectories.
      Empty `.tpnote.toml` content is still allowed.
    * Interpret the pseudo language tag `+all` in the environment variable
      `TPNOTE_LANG_DETECTION` and the configuration file variable
      `tmpl.filter_get_lang` as "select all available languages".
  • v1.21.4
    Maintenance release
    To improve the template readability the following template filters have
    been renamed:
    * `ext` to `file_ext`
    * `stem` to `file_stem`
    * `tag` to `file_sort_tag`
    * `trim_tag` to `trim_file_sort_tag`
    * `copy_counter` to `file_copy_counter`
    The new environment variable `TPNOTE_EXTENSION_DEFAULT` allows setting the
    file extension of new note files. If set, it overwrites the
    `filename.extension_default` configuration file variable.
  • v1.21.3
    Link docs with new sort-tag shorthand link syntax:
    *   Hyperlinks to other Tp-Note documents can now be shortened by referencing
        only the target's sort-tag, e.g. `[my doc](<home/20230510-my>)` is
        equivalent to `[my doc](<home/20230510>)`. Autolinks can be shortened as
        well: `<http:home/20230510-my>` becomes `<http:home/20230510>`
    *   New environment variable: `TPNOTE_CONFIG`
    *   The prepend_dot filter is replaced by the prepend filter.
        The concerned filename templates have been updated.
  • v1.21.2
    e0ec0f22 · Prepare `tpnote` v1.21.2 ·
    Add `TPNOTE_EDITOR_CONSOLE` and `TPNOTE_LANG_DETECTION` environment variables
  • v1.21.1
    Doc: Update documentation; Tmpl: add opt. filter parameter
    The filter `map_lang` can now be parametrized with a default value that
    is returned when the filter input is the empty string:
    This includes: `tpnote_lib` v0.18.2
  • v1.21.0
    273452b4 · Update build images ·
    Feature: add natural language detection
  • v1.20.1
    Regression fix of the viewer feature (under Window only)
    This commit fixes some bugs introduced since v1.19.1. These regressions
    only appear when compiling for Windows:
    * Fix 70b615f: "Bug fix: path method not appropriate for URLs"
      (bug introduced in commit 97d2be7)
    * Erroneous path handling when compiling for Windows:
      - The `.is_absolute()` path method acts differently under Windows.
        Fix in: c648342
      - Under Windows the `std::path::Component`s `Prefix()` and `RoodDir`
        need special care. Fixes in: 632e31a and 3ea8de2
      - Rust's Windows Paths optionally have `\` as path separator:
        Fix in: 0b61979
    As mentioned above, these fixes only concern the proper function of
    the viewer when compiled for Windows. None of the bugs have security
    implications.  Nevertheless, I decided to yank the whole v1.19 series
    because for a good user experience the viewer is expected to work.
  • v1.20.0
    90f1a117 · Prepare `tpnote` v1.20.0 ·
    Reduce C library dependencies.
    This crate replaces two crate dependencies. This allows
    the hassle free crosscompilation of the targets:
    `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`, `armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` and
    `x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` on Debian.
  • v1.19.13
    0456d4a7 · Prepare `tpnote` v1.19.13 ·
    Braking changes:
    * Env. var. renamed from `TPNOTELANG` to `TPNOTE_LANG`
    * Env. var. renamed from `TPNOTEUSER` to `TPNOTE_USER`
  • v1.19.12
    Viewer: better detect changes with simple editors
    In theory watching only `file` is enough. Unfortunately some file
    editors do not modify files directly. They first rename the existing
    file on disk and then  create a new file with the same filename. As
    a workaround, we watch the whole directory where the file resides.
    False positives, there could be other changes in this directory
    which are not related to `file`, are detected, as we only trigger
    the rendition to HTML when `debounced_event.path` corresponds to our
    watched file.
  • v1.19.11
    d7f9b6e8 · Prepare `tpnote` v1.19.11 ·
    Viewer: bugfix: highlight indented source code
  • v1.19.10
    Fallback to plain text for unkown prog. language
  • v1.19.9
    ac7da94c · Prepare `tpnote` v1.19.9 ·
    Make highlighting configurable
  • v1.19.8
    Improve syntax highlighting,
    remove GPL3.0 licensed dependency.
  • v1.19.7
    5dd23995 · Prepare v1.19.7 ·
    Capitalize `{{username}}`, fix: `tel:` is not local
  • v1.19.6
    e6178aac · Prepare `tpnote` v1.19.6 ·
    Export HTML: add abs. link base marker `.tpnoteroot`