Projects with this topic
Infomaterial für Obleute, eine schnelle Kontaktaufnahme zur Geschäftsstelle und die Verwaltung von Obamt und Turnierterminen.
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A featureful tag based library to organise your media collections
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happyDomain is a free and open-source interface that makes domain names accessibles and reduces the usual friction points. Our modern interface centralizes your domains and includes all the features you’d expect these days for painless domain management.
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Searchable database for saved shares from Nicotine+.
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Blog about stories and boardgames. powered by Sveltekit
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My personal portfolio website
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Small wind turbine data analysis tool!
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An all-in-one web app for running and experiencing a hackathon end-to-end.
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Image uploader/browser using Svelte 5/SvelteKit and Tailwind
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Invoice creation web app with support for Finnish banking standard barcodes. Enter details, bookmark templates, print or save to pdf.
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Online space showcasing my professional work, achievements, and interests
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This has become a Quiz App from a Laravel 11 project to test the combination of Tailwind CSS, Vite, Inertia, TypeScript, Flowbite and Svelte.