Projects with this topic
this is just a configuration for st (suckless terminale)
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A meaningless Suckless Terminal fork for Xorg.
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Personal fork of the Suckless simple terminal, with alpha, Xresources support, and box drawing.
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My custom build of Suckless's simple terminal (St).
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My Suckless Build Using dwm + dwmblocks + st + picom + dunst aka. my "moderately" patched Suckless Tools
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My fork of ST with neat-o brown and tan color scheme to go with my DWM fork.
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Layer allowing to build images for STM32MP1 using kas (including OpenSTLinux)
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A walktrough the installation and use of suckless's dwm and other helpful tools for it. WIP.
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Yet another Suckless Simple Terminal fork, prepatched and ready to use.
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