Projects with this topic
Introduction to Hibernate ORM using Spring Boot framework.
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A simple Spring Cloud demo project (Eureka, Feign, Ribbon) and different APIs (REST, GraphQL, gRPC).
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Apito | Backend
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REST API to manage bookshelf's project data book
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Spring template for a REST service designed with Hexagonal architecture
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Contains common artefacts to use across all spring boot projects.
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Kotlin + Spring Boot (functional routing DSL) + Webflux + HTTP/2 + AWS SDK + LocalStack
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🖐🏿 Bonjour,Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter « Les objets sont nos amis », un projet de formation réalisé en groupe, visant à créer une plateforme web pour faciliter l'échange d'objets de seconde main sans transactions financières. Notre équipe, composée de Jeremy, Leo, Fanick, Tenzin, a travaillé ensemble pour développer une solution qui promeut la réutilisation et le recyclage.
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Java + Spring Boot + H2 Database + MyBatis + Actuator + Jasper Reports + Swagger
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Java + Spring Boot + H2 Database + Actuator + Jasper Reports + Swagger
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Simple Eureka Server that plays a central role in the automatic detection of devices and services on a network. Used for every spring-boot project.
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Simple Spring Boot Todo App for learning that uses server rendered web pages (JSP).
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A simple example of using server-sent events (SSE) to trigger a background task running on a Spring Boot RESTful API.
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REST API to fetch book information from the BNF with book's ISBN, BNF is "Bibliothèque National Française"
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Spring Boot-React.js CRUD application
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Many concepts have been implemented in the Java language, and the frameworks has been used in the Java language like hibernate and spring boot Some of the concepts that were applied in this project Spring Framework: Rest API (POST, PUT, PATCH, GET and DELETE), Spring Data Rest, Exceptions, Scheduling, Profiles, Transaction Managements, Repositories, Caching, Custom Validations, AOP, Startup Application Listener.
Hibernate Framework: Entities, Relationship (Compositions and inheritance), Annotations, Fetching Data (Lazy and Entity Graph), Converter, Composite Key, Projections, Validations, Entity Manager (create DDL statement), Hibernate Envers and Spring Data Envers and Searching (Specification and Hibernate ExampleMatcher).
Jackson: Annotations and Polymorphism, Serializable and deSerializable
Lombok, Reflections, MySQL and Maven